“Are you alright?”

I heard his smooth, calm voice and my body reacted with instant acknowledgment. It was him; it was the gorgeous neighbor from the other night. I snapped a couple pictures and slowly moved my camera away from my face.

“Yep, just taking some pictures,” I said looking up from the ground.

“I see that.”

His quietness was uncomfortable and I sprang to my feet.

In the moonlight, I saw the familiar shirtless figure that I had been searching for over the last several days.

“Where have you been?” I blurted out.

A smile broke through his cool expression. It was the first real emotion I had seen on his face.

“Oh, have you been looking for me?” he said as he took a step toward me.

His movement into the close proximity of me had by pulse racing. I was more nervous than I remembered being the night I met him. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and I couldn’t seem to swallow. The power this man had over my thoughts was incredible.

“I came over to thank you for making sure I got home safely the other night.”

“You really shouldn’t drink and act like a fool. You could have been taken advantage of.”

My face flushed quickly, but this time I felt a burn of anger. Who was he to tell me I acted like a fool? I’m an adult; I can have a good time with my girlfriends. I was responsible and took a cab.

“W-what??? I’m a fool?”

The question left my mouth before I could stop myself.

“Yes. You let a complete stranger have a key to your house and open your door for you.”

“I felt safe.”

“Well, you shouldn’t have.”

“I shouldn’t feel safe around you?”

He was trying to pretend like he was a dangerous man, well maybe he was in some other aspect of his life. But the way he looked at me, I could tell he wouldn’t harm a woman ever.

“You shouldn’t feel safe around any man. They only have one thing on their mind.”

Before I could respond, he was there, right next to me. His arm wrapped around my waist and I felt his hand on my back, pressing me into his sweaty body. Dazed, I just stood there. My camera in one hand and my other hand placed firmly on his chest. Oh, the delight of feeling his skin again. I prepared myself to be kissed.

His lips were only mere inches away from mine and I could feel myself subconsciously urging him to keep moving closer.

“What would that one thing be?” My breath was quiet and filled with desire.

I could feel my chest heaving up and down as I tried to calm myself. There was just something about this man that wouldn’t let me stay calm when I was near him. I certainly couldn’t calm down now that his hand was wrapped around my waist.

“To taste you,” he said.

His deep brown eyes peered right into my soul. I wiggled a little in his arms and he adjusted his grip. Then I felt it. Through his running shorts, I could feel the girth of his erection. He wanted me. The way he looked at me, it was like he needed to have me. It was a primal urge that could not be stopped by anything.

I smiled and pushed away firmly. This time he released me.

“I should get going,” I said as I looked down at my camera.

Never in all my life had a man so overtly tried to sleep with me. I didn’t know if I was impressed with his forwardness or if I should have been angry. Maybe I should have slapped him?