"Nonsense," Tom said. "Penn's, ah, boss has a great place over on Telegraph Hill. Plenty of room. Just minutes away."

I shot Tom a warning glance, but he was unrepentant. Then the thought worked on me for a moment more. If Corsica came with me to my father's house, I would have the perfect buffer. She'd be shocked by who he was, and I would be able to use her as a reason to push off our conversation until the morning. I was just not up to hearing what the old man had to say.

"He's right. You're welcome to stay at the house. In fact, there's an entire apartment over the garage. It's private and secure. Ginny's welcome to stay, too," I said.

Corsica frowned. "Your boss won't mind?"

"Not when he gets a load of you," Tom said.

I kicked him in the shin. "My boss will most likely not make an appearance until the morning. He's a very busy man."

She chewed her cheek and considered my offer. "What if I change my mind?"

"Tom here drinks too much caffeine, so you can call him at any time. He knows all the good, reasonable hotels and motels in the city," I said.

I waited and tried not to hold my breath. I knew full well that I didn't look like the type of guy good girls should be going home with in the middle of the night. My rag-tag sidekick did nothing to add respectability to my image, but, then again, I wanted her to take me as I was. Minus the growing fortune.

I didn't want to lie to Corsica, but I didn't want her to know I was loaded. Suddenly, it was more important than anything that Corsica see me for myself, not my money or my family connections.

She took out her phone, then remembered the battery had died.

"I've got a charger for that," Tom said. "In the car. You'll be up and running before we get to the top of the hill."

"Not the way you drive," I muttered.

Corsica smiled. "Well, if you're willing to charge my phone so I can call Ginny, then I guess the least I can do is take a look at the apartment."

She slipped into the car, and Tom slammed the door with a flourish. "I like her," he announced. "I don't think you need to lie to her."

I scowled as I shooed him around to the driver's door. "I like her, too, and I probably will until she fin

ds out who I am."


Corsica - 3

I tucked my hands back in my lap as soon as Penn got in the backseat next to me. The polished, leather seats were softer than anything I had ever touched. I had been insulated in a world of luxury, and within seconds found myself caressing the seat underneath me. Then, Penn slipped into the seat next to mine and cocked a dark eyebrow at my fidgeting fingers.

"You don't have to be nervous," he said. "You can get right out and we'll call you a cab."

I laced my fingers tight. "No, that's not it." I laughed at myself. "I was just, ah, admiring your boss's car."

Penn's lips curved. "You were petting the seats?"

I raised my nose. "I was not. I simply felt the softness of the leather and found it nice."

"I don't mind a bit of leather myself," Penn said.

My eyes flew to his and my mouth gaped before I caught the twinkle in his eye. I swatted his arm. "I bet you're the one that pets these seats. Does your boss know that you use his car?"

"He should. He's the one that summoned me."

Penn shut his door, and Tom jumped into the driver's seat. The engine growled as Tom left a black mark on the pavement behind us. I glanced back to see Allen shaking his enormous fist in the air. Whatever he yelled was drowned out by the high-performance engine.

"I only hire Tom when I'm in town."

"'Cause it pisses off his boss." Tom winked into the rearview mirror.