Page 259 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin

"Fine." I sighed, turning my attention toward the day's lesson. "Did you finish the reading for today's anatomy lecture?"

"More skin?" Liz asked as she pulled out her book and began flipping through it as she shoveled the last of her breakfast into her mouth. “Ah, yes, I’m familiar with it.”

"Liz, you can't keep doing this." I sighed again and shook my head. The problem was that she could: Liz had a photographic memory and could remember everything she'd ever seen, even if she'd only seen it once. It drove me crazy that she didn't have to study as hard as I did in order to retain the material, and even crazier to watch her squander her talent as she dabbled in everything from standup comedy to graffiti art.

"Eh, it'll be fine." She shrugged. "I'm like a cat. I always land on my feet, you know?"

I crossed my fingers under the table and hoped that was true as I tried to push the images of Cam Connor's unruly auburn curls and broad chest out of my mind so I could focus on my studies.

It was easier said than done.

Chapter Seven


After I'd finished my shift at the station, I drove home, walked Tesla, then showered, changed, and headed over to see Leo. I was not looking forward to this meeting, but I knew that steering clear of it wasn't an option.

What I really wanted to be doing was driving back over to Chicago General and seeing if Alex Pierce was on duty. I hadn't been able to get her curvy figure out of my head for the duration of my shift. I cursed myself for not getting her number, but it hadn’t seemed like the best thing to do after she’d nailed me for using a pick up line, so keeping a safe distance had seemed like the smarter choice. Even if the choice meant I didn’t know how to contact Alex.

"Sometimes we have to do what we don't want to do; isn't that right, girl?" I said to Tesla as I stood at the counter finishing my breakfast. She looked up at me and thumped her tail on the marble floor, hoping that I'd toss her a bit of the bacon I'd made to go with my eggs.

"All right, fine," I said as I tossed a piece in the air and watched as she gracefully leapt up and caught it in her open mouth. She chewed it quickly and then sat back down waiting for more. I laughed. "Nope, that's it. No more."

Tesla wagged her tail a few times, and, when it became obvious that I meant what I'd said, she sighed loudly and dropped to the floor, resting her chin between her paws as she gave me a mournful look. I smiled as I shook my head then went back to scanning the headlines on the iPad I kept in the kitchen.

"It looks like we've got the usual mash up of things going on in the city, girl," I said as I read the headlines out loud to her. "I see that the mayor is pushing a new education program, the governor is trying to cut the budget down to a manageable level, and the South Side is still going to hell in a hand basket. Looks like business as usual!"

I set my dishes in the sink, pulled on my coat, grabbed my keys and sunglasses, and headed out to meet with Leo. The office was down in the Loop, which usually meant not being able to find a parking spot, but we'd contracted with a local valet service at one of the restaurants and they'd agreed to let us use two spots for Chicago Security Corporation when we needed it, so I was able to park and get up to the fourteenth floor quickly.

"Mr. Connor," Becky said, surprised to see me. "Was Mr. Marini expecting you this morning?"

"I certainly hope so." I smiled. "He sent me a message yesterday requesting a meeting."

"Will you be in your office, sir?" she asked as she picked up the phone and dialed Leo's extension.

"Nah, I'll just head back to Leo's office and see what he wants," I said as I headed down the hallway. I could hear her telling Leo I was on my way in a hushed whisper.

"So, what's up with this contract, Leo?" I said as I pushed his office door open and entered. Inside, I found a somewhat flustered Leo buttoning his shirt as a lovely young woman folded up a massage table.

"I thought you'd call first," he said as I gave him the once over. "I didn't know you'd be this early."

"Yeah, well, my shift is over at eight and I headed right over because you said it was important," I said with an amused grin. Dropping my voice, I said, "Barn door's open. Close her up, friend."

"Will you be needing me to come back on Friday, Mr. Marini?" the girl asked as she stood at the door. She was an exotic beauty with large breasts and shiny black hair, and I had little doubt that she was providing my friend with more than just a Swedish massage.

"Uh, yeah, that would be good, Misty," he said after zipping his pants. "Becky will give you a check for today. Stop by the front desk and pick it up."

"Thank you, Mr. Marini." She smiled before closing the door behind her.

"Jesus, Leo, what the hell are you doing?" I asked.

"Hey, look, I don't have time for dating and I have needs, my friend." He smiled as he regained control of the conversation. "It's just easier this way.

No fuss, no muss."

"I do not understand you," I said, shaking my head.

"Yeah, well, if you'd let go of our Puritan ideals, you might," he said in a tone that was only mildly irritated. "Sorry, that wasn't fair. I just think you need to get out there and experience something other than work for a change. It's been a long time, Cam."