Page 416 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin

“Yeah, as you can see, I'm totally wasted right now,” I replied with a laugh. “Well anyway, I better get back to my house. Another early start tomorrow morning, and a long day of work lies ahead.”

“Yeah, I've got an early start too,” he said. “So, I guess this is where we say good night.”

I looked at him, and our eyes locked for a while, and an intense look passed between us.

“Yeah... This is where we say good night.”

I smiled, and so did he, maintaining eye contact all the while, and I could feel a powerful sense of attraction crackling in the air between us.

“Good night then, Everett,” I said as I turned and walked off.

As I got to the street, though, I heard him jogging up behind me.

“Wait, Vivienne,” he said as I turned around.


“There's something I forgot to ask you.”

“Okay, what is it?”

A look of sudden shyness, almost, came across his face, and he looked down at the ground.

“Would you, uh, would you like to go out with me, say, for dinner and a movie on Friday night?”

I smiled.

“That sounds lovely. Sure... it's a date.”

Chapter Six


I couldn't deny I felt a rush of excitement as soon as Vivienne said “yes” to my invite to go out on a date. I had been thinking about her all day, and had been seriously tempted to message her, but with everything I'd been caught up in, it had been tough to get a moment to myself, and then when I finally did have time, I figured it would be a bit too late.

Thus, imagine my surprise when she came strolling up my driveway late at night to say hi. It had been the perfect time to ask, and she said yes. We made plans, and I was going to be sure to stick to them. I had to make a good first impression.

I would pick her up at seven, and we'd head to a nice Spanish restaurant that had good reviews. After that, we'd catch the late show at the movie theater around nine. I had to admit I was looking forward to it. Luckily, Maggie had recovered from her illness and was willing to look after Jane for the evening, so I didn't need to worry about that.

I watched her as she walked up her driveway, and as she got onto her porch, she turned and waved to me. I waved back, smiling, and then she went inside and locked up. I headed back to my garage, where I finished setting up my circular saw, and after that figured I'd better get to bed as I had to be up early for my morning jog on the treadmill.

With a smile still plastered across my face, I turned off the garage light, locked it up, and headed inside.


It was the second day of school, and already things were crazy. This was a much bigger school than the inner-city school I'd worked at previously, and while things were much better run around here and a lot more efficient, just the sheer number of students and staff made it quite a challenge to run.

Still, though, I kept things under control. I not only handled pressure well, I thrived on it. I always had; stressful situations often brought out the best in me and had me performing at levels that were beyond what I could normally achieve.

During lunch period, I joined the rest of the teachers and administrators in the staff break room. I'd been introduced to all of them the previous day, of course, but it would still take me a while to learn all of their names.

Instead of eating, I went around to each teacher individually and spoke to them, exchanging a few words and asking about their classes. It seemed everyone was settling in pretty smoothly, although, as was to be expected, there were a few stories of problem students, and, of course, the ever-present worry about the effects of the Rocket epidemic.

The last person I stopped to talk to before lunch was over was another brand-new member of staff, a young chemistry teacher by the name of Irene Greer. She was only 24, and fresh out of college. She'd done two years at a school in Northern California, and she had just moved out here a few weeks ago.

“Hi, Irene,” I said, remembering her name from the day before. “How are things coming along?”

She smiled at me. I had to admit that she was very pretty—a brunette with long, silky hair and a slim, toned figure, she had a killer smile, and with her full lips, she flashed me one of those.