Page 314 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin

"He will," Liz said before she fell back into her haze.

I hoped that she was right, because from my vantage point, I wasn't sure he'd be able to find us.

Chapter Thirty-Five


When I heard Alex's frantic scream on the other end of the line, I immediately went into action mode and began driving north to the intersection she'd told me to find. With the exception of the address, none of the rest of what she'd said had made sense, and I wasn't sure how I would be able to find her, but I trusted that once I got there, I would be able to figure it out. I was tempted to call in back up, but the last thing I needed was publicity like this before Leo and I made our first public appearance with Richard Metzler.

"Jarvis and Paulina. 3A. Mermaid in the purple lobby," I kept repeating to myself as I drove north on Sheridan. She'd started to say something else, but I had no idea what that was, so I just kept repeating what I knew until I was sure I wouldn't forget it.

In the meantime, I called the Rogers Park Police and reported a kidnapping. I told them what I'd heard over the phone and said I was on my way to the intersection. They assured me that they would send officers over to check it out as soon as

they could, but at the moment the bulk of their force was dealing with a gang shooting on the West Side of the neighborhood.

I swore under my breath as I made a left onto Jarvis and slowly drove down the block. I wasn't sure if whoever had kidnapped Alex would be waiting outside or if they'd have lookouts. I drove past the intersection Alex had told me to find and then parked my truck around the corner before walking around the block to enter from the other side. I felt ridiculous playing spy in the middle of the day, but I didn't want to take any chances.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered under my breath as I looked into the front door of an apartment building on the Southwest corner and saw nothing. I crossed the street and found exactly what Alex had said: a mermaid and purple walls. I knew I was at the right place.

I dialed Alex's number, but the call went straight to voicemail. So, I snuck around the side of the building to see if there were any doors open. I found one that led to the basement and carefully pulled it open and snuck inside. The whole basement was full of cobwebs and dead animals and I nearly vomited the contents of my stomach when I saw the stack of dead rats piled in the corner. Someone had been out hunting, and I'd have been willing to bet it wasn't the neighborhood feral cats.

"Where are you, Alex?" I whispered as I looked for a way out of the basement to the lobby. I felt my way along the far wall and finally found a door that lay flush with the wall. I tugged at the handle for almost a minute before I felt the door begin to give way and then all at once, I yanked it open and found myself staring into the basement laundry room where I surprised two women who were transferring clothing from the washing machine to the dryer. One of them screamed.

"Sorry, ladies!" I said as I stepped through the doorway and pulled the door shut behind me. No sense in letting the beasts that roamed that side of the basement out. "I'm looking for apartment 3A. Unconventional entrance, I know."

"I'll say," said the older woman with a skeptical look on her face. "You kids need to stay out of the basement, it's dangerous in there."

"It's okay, I'm a trained professional," I offered as I moved quickly to the elevator.

"Sure, right," said the other one, raising an eyebrow as she continued transferring her laundry from one machine to the other. I nodded and tipped my invisible hat as the elevator doors slid shut.

"Three A, she said," I muttered as I hit the button and waited for the elevator to slowly grind its way up to the third floor. My phone rang as the elevator passed the third floor and when I looked down, I saw it was Alex.

"Alex! I'm on my way!" I shouted into the phone.

"Don't bother, Connor," a familiar voice replied. "If you come anywhere near this apartment, I'm going to burn it down."

"Victor? What the hell?" I said. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting what I want," he replied in a cool voice. "This is all your fault, you know."

"My fault that you're a fucking psycho?" I shouted. "How is that my fault?"

"Oh, Connor." He sighed. "You are so common. Such an idiot. This is your entire fault because if you had given me what I wanted to begin with, none of this would be happening now. Your little girlfriend wouldn't be crying in the corner and her friend definitely wouldn't be hooked on heroin."

"And this is all my fault, is it?" I replied, realizing that he didn't know I was on my way up. "So, if I stay away, you'll let the girls go?"

"No, I didn't say that," he replied in a bored voice. "I just said that if you came anywhere near, I'd burn the place down with them in it. So, I would suggest that as soon as that elevator opens up on the third floor, you hit the first floor button and get the hell out."

"What are you talking about?" I said, feigning ignorance.

"I'm talking about the fact that I can see you riding the elevator and talking to me on the phone right at this moment," he said. "Your phone is in your right hand and you're leaning against the wall closest to the buttons. Good enough for you?"

My heart dropped as I realized that he could actually see me, but I forced myself to stay in the same position so as not to give him the upper hand. Meanwhile, I began plotting out my next steps.

"And if you're wondering, I've got the staircase wired as well," he said as if he knew what I was thinking. "Like I said, you're an idiot, Connor."

"What do you want, Victor?" I asked, wondering what game he was playing.