Page 312 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin

A hot breakfast of eggs, home fried potatoes, and bacon with sourdough toast went a long way to making me feel less angry at Cam. I was still annoyed, but by the time I'd finished my meal, I'd decided that it was possible for me to listen to his side of the story before I decided whether I was going to dump him or not.

I kept my phone next to my plate as I ate, waiting for a text or a call, but nothing came. By the time I'd paid my bill, I was starting to get irritated again. If we were going to discuss this, he needed to respond, and soon.

On the way to the library, my phone rang. I smiled as I pulled it out, but when I looked at the screen I was shocked to find that it was Liz calling me, not Cam.

"Liz! Liz! Where are you?" I yelled into the phone.

"Alex, I need help," said the voice on the other end. It was Liz, but she sounded weak and scared.

"Where are you, Liz?" I asked. "Tell me and I'll come get you."

"I'm not feeling so good, Alex," she groaned before she started crying. "I'm in trouble. I need help."

"Tell me where you are, Liz," I repeated. I knew that I needed to find a way to figure out where she was, but she didn't seem to want to tell me. "Liz, tell me where you are."

"North Side, I think," she said. "I'm looking out the window and I can see the street signs."

"What do the signs say?" I prompted her. "Liz? Tell me what the signs say."

"Um, one says Jarvis and one" she faded away.

"Liz! What does the other one say?" I yelled into the phone. If she was high, I needed her to tell me where she was before she passed out again. "LIZ!"

"Um, the other one," she slurred. "I need help, Alex. I don't like him."

"Liz, one sign says Jarvis. What does the other one say, sweetie?” I said, dropping my voice to a comforting tone. "Tell me what the other sign says."

"It says Pauline." She sighed as her voice faded. "Pauline is such a nice name, isn't it?"

"Paulina?" I asked as I looked up the cross street

s on my phone. "You're at Jarvis and Paulina? Who took you there, Liz? Who is the guy you're with?"

"Dunno, he's some guy," she slurred. "He had good stuff. He's handsome."

"Who is he, Liz?" I asked. "Have you met him before?"

"No, nice guy, I saw him hanging around campus a few times," she said sounding a little more cheerful. "He gave me flowers once."

"Do I know him?" I asked, wondering if I'd met this guy before and if I could identify him to the police.

"Nah, uh, don't think so," she said, fading out again. All of a sudden, I heard a loud noise in the background and Liz shrieked in my ear.

"What are you doing, bitch?" a male voice demanded. "I thought you took her damn phone, you idiot!"

"No! NO!" Liz screamed. There was a loud bang before the phone went dead.

"Oh God, no," I whispered in horror as I stared at my phone. I quickly dialed the number again, but it went right to voicemail. Seconds later, my phone rang again. The number was unlisted, but I answered it.

"Look, I've got your friend and she's a massive pain in my ass," a male voice on the other end said. "Come get her and get her the hell out of my house."

"Who are you?" I asked. "Why did you take Liz?"

"I didn't take her, lady," the man said. "She came with me and now I want her out of my house. Come get her or I'll dump her ass in an alley and let her figure out her way home herself. I'm sick of her whining."

"Where are you?" I asked, thinking his voice sounded vaguely familiar. "I'll come get her right now, please don't hurt her."

"Lady, I'm not into hurting chicks." He laughed. "It's the apartment building on the Northwest corner of Jarvis and Paulina. Ring apartment 3A. Just get her quick, would ya? She's really getting on my nerves."