Page 290 of Dr. Daddy's Virgin

Chapter Nineteen


As soon as I got done with Leo, I called Alex. Her phone rang and rang and then went to voicemail. I left her message asking her to call me as soon as she could. I knew that I had to tell her about CSC and the new contract before I let Leo know what I was going to do because once he had the green light, there would be no going back.

I swung by the station to switch out my clean uniforms with the dirty ones so I could drop them off at the laundry. As I opened my locker, I overheard two guys from the other shift talking on the other side.

"Have you gotten pushed by Vangel yet?" Brian said.

"Yeah, he hit me up yesterday before he left," Gavin replied. "That son-of-a-bitch is gunning for Lieutenant hardcore."

"Did he threaten to blackmail you?" Brian asked with a derisive laugh. "That asshole told me he'd release my financial records publicly if I didn't."

"What an asshole," Gavin said. "He told me he's got my juvenile court record. I told him that I was cited as a minor in possession of a six pack of MGD, so he was welcome to do it."

"Yeah, my financials are all about child support and mortgage." Brian laughed. "It's not really scandalous gossip, but you know, it did make me wonder how in the hell he got a hold of my information."

"I wondered that, too," Gavin said. "And then I realized that we're living in a world where everyone's information is available twenty-four-seven if you have the money to pay for it. I told him to fuck off and get out of my face."

"You think he's got any information on anyone that matters?" Brian asked.

"Beats me, but I guess we'll know when Chief asks for votes to support his promotion," Gavin said as he slammed his locker shut. "At that point, we should look into his supporter's backgrounds and see if we can't wring out a little cash!"

"That's cold, man." Brian laughed as they walked out of the locker room and back to the kitchen.

"That son of a bitch," I muttered under my breath as I gathered my dirty uniforms and tossed them in the laundry bag I'd drop off.

Back in the truck, I decided that this was a sign that I definitely needed to come clean -- to Alex and the rest of the world.

Chapter Twenty


After our meeting with Professor Jackson, Liz and I went to anatomy lab where the cabal of evil girls grinned with satisfaction over their plot to ruin both Liz and I. Liz shot them a death stare from the moment we walked in while I focused on trying to make sure we followed the lab instructions to a tee.

"Everything going all right?" Robert asked as he circulated through the lab helping fix small issues with scales and other equipment.

"Yes, fine," I said brusquely as I sliced into a sample of tendon tissue we were studying.

"No, actually it's all pretty shitty," Liz said cheerfully as she mounted her tissue on a slide and stained it.

"What's wrong, Baker?" Robert asked. "You look like you've done it right."

"Oh no, the lab is peachy," Liz replied as she slipped the slide under the microscope and adjusted the lenses. Raising her voice to a level loud enough to carry across the room, she said, "It's that useless bitch over there, who doesn’t know what she's talking about, who is causing all the problems."

"Are you talking to me, Baker?" Violet asked in a bored tone. Jessica and Lydia looked up from their microscopes and shook their heads at Liz before looking back at Violet for approval.

"Not sure there's anyone else in the room I'd call a bitch, so yes, I believe I am," Liz replied with her eyes pressed to the microscope.

"Girls..." Robert interrupted.

"Well, I'm not the one they caught cheating, now am I?" Violet said smugly.

"No, you're not," Liz replied with a saccharine cheerfulness. "But you are the snitch who falsely accused me and Alex of cheating, now aren't you?"

"Why would I do such a terrible thing?" Violet said in a voice that matched Liz's fake cheerfulness.

"I have no idea." Liz smiled. "Maybe it's because you're a miserable bitch who can't stand to see anyone else succeed, or maybe it's because your mommy and daddy just don't love you enough. Only your therapist knows for sure."