He lifted up the front of his shirt, revealing a large handgun tucked into a holster on his belt.

"I'm definitely ready," he replied with a grin. "If that psycho stalker of yours is around, he's gonna get more than he bargained for, I can tell you that."

"Thanks for your help, Jimmy. I really do appreciate it, and I have to say that I do feel safer."

"Hey, it's not a big deal at all! Actually, it's kinda fun for me, know what I'm saying? I have been living a very quiet life as a veterinarian for a while now, so I appreciate having a little excitement in my life."

We headed outside, and he locked the place up. A few minutes later, I parked my car in his underground spot and then got into his, laying down on the back seat as instructed.

"I hope you're not too uncomfortable back there," Jimmy stated.

"I'm alright. It's not a very long drive anyway."

"No, it's not. Alright, well let's get going, and I'll keep my eyes peeled for this psycho stalker."

We drove the rest of the way listening to Jimmy's music, which I had to admit I enjoyed. He seemed to have a fondness for the 50’s and 60’s classics.

After a while, we reached Everett's place, and Jimmy pulled into the driveway. He stopped the motor and then spoke to me.

"We're here, Vivienne," he said. "But I want you to stay in the back there until I tell you otherwise, alright? I'm gonna do a quick recon. I'll check out the street and nearby houses to make sure nobody's hiding in the bushes. After that, if it's all clear, I'll let you into Ev's place. And then, if you want, I can go across the road to your place to see if everything is alright there. Though, I might want to wait until it's dark, just in case this creep has set up any hidden cameras around here to monitor your place. Right now, I doubt he has any idea that you're gonna be just across the road from your house, and we don't want to do anything that will give away the fact that you're here."

"Sounds like a plan, Jimmy. I'll wait here for you."

"I'll leave the music on so you're at least not too bored."


He closed the door, and over the music I heard the sound of him trudging away. It seemed like forever that he was gone, but after some time, he returned and opened the door.

"The coast is clear," he said. "There was a suspicious car parked up the road near the street, but when I walked toward it, whoever was in it drove off pretty quick. Still, let's not think we're safe yet – complacency is dangerous. We'll get you inside nice and quick, around the back of the house. You ready?"

"I am," I replied.

"Let's go."

He opened the door, and I climbed out quickly and hurried behind him as he jogged around to the back of the house. We opened the place up, and as soon as we got inside, I felt a wave of relief washing over me.

"Whew, it feels good to finally be able to relax a little," I remarked.

"Sure does. Well anyway, I'm gonna have a drink. Ev told me there were beers in the fridge. You want one?"

"No thanks. I'll just make myself a coffee."

We sat and relaxed for a while with our drinks, talking and getting to know each other. Jimmy seemed like a really nice guy. He was single, as it turned out, and I couldn't help but start thinking about which of my friends I might be able to set him up with. After an hour, though, the phone rang. I went over to answer it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hi, could I speak to Mr. James please?"

"He's not in right now. Who's calling, please?"

"This is Nurse Iverson from the hospital. I tried to reach Mr. James on his cell phone as he requested this afternoon before he left, but I'm not getting an answer. Is this Vivienne? We were supposed to let him know when Jane woke up. He had called in with this number as the secondary contact number. She's awake now and would really like to see him."

"I understand. I'll get hold of him right away to let him know," I replied.

"Thank you. Have a good day."

I got out my cell phone right away and dialed Everett, waiting impatiently for him to answer the phone.