She buried her face in my neck and breathed deeply. “You came.”

“Of course, I did, angel.” We’d settled on a nickname that she didn’t hate.

“You brought coffee,” Heather sighed. “I’m going to need that if I’m going to make it to my car. God knows how much more I’m going to need to make it home.”

“Actually, you’re all taken care of. Ryder and Dave are on their way to pick you up.” I nuzzled Gabbi’s hair. God, she smelled good.

“You mean there are actual Miami Dolphins on their way to pick me up, and I look like this?” Heather squealed, gesturing up and down her body.

Gabbi managed a giggle and an eye roll but sagged against my chest. I wrapped an arm around her. She was in serious danger of falling asleep on her feet. “You always look gorgeous, Heather. Besides, they’re giving you a ride home, not taking you somewhere for a threesome.” Then Gabrielle turned to me, eyes wide. “They’d better not be, Ryder—”

“Relax, Gabbi. They’re taking her home. To sleep. By herself.” I assured her.

Gabrielle’s eyelids fluttered closed deliriously. “Hmm, sleep. That exam was the worst.”

“I’m sure you aced it, angel.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“I’m not,” she grumbled against my chest.

“Well, I’m sure enough for the both of us.” I really was. There was no way that Gabrielle hadn’t made the exam her bitch.

“Are we going home, too?” she asked hopefully.

“Nah, we’re taking a couple of days off. It’s a surprise.” She looked at me quizzically, but her attention was soon drawn to Ryder pulling up behind us.

“Knights in Shining Armor Car Service. Where do you need us?” Ryder winked. I gestured towards Heather.

“Right there. She’ll show you to her car. Straight home, boys.” I ordered. “I’m getting my girl out of here.”

“I’ll never get tired of hearing you call me that.” Gabrielle sighed dreamily, settling into her seat. I reached over to help her fumbling fingers with the buckle.

“I hope so, angel.” When I looked up at her, her eyes were closed and her breathing even. She was fast asleep.


Two Years Later


Damnit. I must have slept straight through my alarm, judging by the way the sun streamed through the sheer curtains.

James was next to me, his warmth pressing against my back, a muscled arm draped around my waist. He had bulked up a little more since we’d started dating. His exercise regimen had become a lot more stringent as the Dolphins climbed the ranks.

I pressed a soft kiss to his forearm, momentarily distracted by the way that his muscles roped underneath his skin. Then, I tried to extricate myself from his grasp as gently as possible without waking him.

I had almost made it to the edge of his bed when he pulled me back, nestling me tight against his chest. “Where exactly do you think you’re going?”

His voice was a sleepy, husky groan. It still made my heart beat faster. In fact, it did so even more every morning that I got to wake up to it.

I turned to face him and traced his chiseled jawline with my fingers. “I have to get up, baby. I overslept.”

His beautiful eyes blinked open. I still couldn’t quite figure out what color they were. Though they shone a bright green that morning, golden flecks shining in the sunlight. “You didn’t oversleep, angel of mine. You’ve got the day off, remember?”

Of course.

I’d helped my boss on a big trial the week before, and he’d told me to take the day to relax. I nestled into James’s warm, hard body. My hand snuck down his side to see if other parts of his anatomy had woken up yet. Two years later and I still couldn’t get enough of him.

He groaned as my palm closed on his rock-hard morning wood. To my surprise, his hand clasped around my wrist, and he brought my palm to his mouth, pressing a light kiss to it.