“Thank you, James. I didn’t expect that from you.” Our conversation was fast becoming too serious.

“I know, but your relationship with her means a lot to her. I never wanted to get in the way of that. It was one of the reasons why I tried to deny that there was anything going on between us, why I pulled away from her before.”

I needed to add something to lighten the mood, so I fixed him with a goofy smirk. “Besides, if we ever get married, you’ll be Harper’s granddaddy. So maybe you are getting old.”

I dodged the hand aimed at slapping the back of my head and laughed.


“And proud of it.” I placed my hand solemnly over my heart.

Richard grew quiet again. “Is that something that you’re thinking about already?”

“I think that we’re both a long way away from that. I’ve never believed in the institution. I still don’t really. We haven’t talked about it.”

Richard surprised me by smiling in understanding. “It’s only been a month son. You’re only 24. You’ve got time. As long as Gabbi knows that you don’t believe in it.”

I’d mentioned it, but that was when things were different. I didn’t even know if she remembered it. Not that much escaped that big brain of hers. “She does, but I’ll talk to her about it again.”

“You do that. You’d better leave if you don’t want to be late.” Another stolen glance at my watch confirmed that he was right.


In no time, I pulled up to the exam center, two massive coffees in hand. I owed Heather for playing along that morning, and I was still getting into her good graces after all the shit I’d pulled.

The only way into that woman’s good graces was caffeine. Lots of it. Constantly.

I’d hardly parked when the first guy recognized me. Luckily, he was a fan and didn’t talk any trash to me. I could deal with that. I signed the Dolphins jersey that he wore, and he went on his merry way.

There were only a few people trickling out of the exam venue when I arrived, but the flow became steadier within minutes. Each candidate seemed more weary-eyed and bedraggled than the next as they streamed out, until I spotted Gabrielle’s golden halo.

She’d bundled her hair carelessly on top of her head at some stage during the day, and her face was completely nude. As she came closer, I could see that her eyes were tired, but bright.

She made animated gestures with her hands, no doubt trying to convince Heather about one answer or another.

Heather looked like she was about to fall asleep while she walked. She could not drive in that state. I was also itching to get on the road to my private getaway with Gabrielle, and since Heather knew about it, she’d never let us drive her home.

I didn’t know the girl that well, but I doubted that she would leave her car at the center if I called for an Uber. So, I did the next best thing and called Ryder.

“Sup, bro? The prodigal best friend returns.” I heard screaming in the background, and the sound of tires screeching made me flinch before Ryder ordered the guys to turn the game down.

“I saw you yesterday, Ry. How is that being prodigal?” I worked out with Ryder every damn day.

“You’ve been spending too much time with your lawyer if you suddenly know the meaning of the word.” Ryder’s tone was light. He was joking with me.

“I’ve always known the meaning, dude. Now I just have a legit reason to use it without sounding like a pretentious asshole.” Two could play that game.

“You’ve always been pretentious, asshole. Tell me why you’re calling. Gabbi call it off with you after the big exam? Or are you at your romantic getaway struggling to get it up until you talk to me?” He lowered his voice into a false seductive sound that I nearly gagged at. “Cause you know, baby, I know what you like.”

I burst out laughing, drawing Gabrielle’s attention. Her lips parted as she sucked in a breath, sending all my blood rushing straight to my cock. “Trust me; I don’t need you for that. Gabbi’s got that handled.”

Ryder made a gagging noise at the other end of the line and threatened to hang up.

“No, wait. I got Heather, Gabrielle’s friend, to pick her up this morning so that Gabbi’s car wouldn’t be stuck at the center all weekend. She’s swaying on her feet tired, man. I don’t think she should drive.”

“Say no more. I’ll grab big Dave, and we’ll be there in a few. Rescuing damsels in distress and seeing their steeds safely home? That’s one of the only things that we’re good for.” Ryder joked, but he was already yelling for Dave and his keys.

I clicked off just as the girls approached. Gabrielle launched herself at me, and I caught her more than willingly.