"I am, too. And what's more, I'm really happy that all the choices I've made have led me right to this moment ... Right here, right now."

I kissed her slowly, deeply, and passionately, and we were both left gasping for breath and buzzing with pleasure at the end of it.

"Yep, I definitely picked the right neighborhood when I decided to move in across the street from you," I remarked with a smile.

"And I'm very, very happy that you did," she said. "Best neighbor I've ever had!" she teased.

"Well, I do go above and beyond when it comes to, how shall I say... neighborly courtesy?"

"Well, in that case, I'm glad the rest of our neighbors are either married or old enough to be your mother," she added with a laugh.

"Speaking of, do you think nosy Mrs. Dobbins knows about you and me?" I asked playfully.

Vivienne laughed. "I'd be very surprised if she didn't. You know, she actually hinted at setting you and me up when she first told me about the 'handsome young man' who had just moved in across the street. I can't help wonder if she was working in a little magic somehow. Look how we've ended up!"

I chuckled.

"If she is doing some sort of voodoo over there, let her keep doing it because I'm really enjoying these results."

"She's always been like that, you know," remarked Vivienne. "Well, ever since I've lived there. She's very inquisitive. Always has to have her nose in everyone's business. She watches these streets like a hawk, you know. I guess she doesn't have much in the way of family. Granted, it can be a little invasive sometimes, but really, I feel kinda sorry for her. She's not a bad person by any means; she's actually really nice. I think it's just the fact that she's lonely that drives her to poke around in everyone else's business."

As she said this, a flash of inspiration flickered in my mind.

"Hey... if she really is out there watching everything that happens like a hawk, she may have seen Simon if he's been snooping around your place. I should go and have a few words with her. Do you have any pictures of him I could take and show her?"

"Well, I wouldn't want to let her in on, you know, information about my past relationships and ex-boyfriends and stuff like that..."

"No, no, I don't have to tell her anything like that. I could even say that he's like, a pedophile who was snooping around my school, and just warn her to contact me if she sees him around here."

"Yeah, I guess that could work. I'll find a clear picture of him that you can show her."

She got her phone and started browsing through it.

"Hmm, well this is difficult. He's made all of his social media accounts private. Obviously, I blocked him from all contact a long time ago, including social media, so I'm not sure how to go about finding a picture of him."

"You don't have any friends who are still connected to him?"

"Hmm. Actually, I just reconnected with an old high school friend who I bumped into here in Irvine. She didn't know anything about what happened between Simon and me. Maybe she'll be connected with him on social media."

"It's worth a shot, I guess."

"I'll call her now."

She searched for a contact on her phone and made the call.

"Hi, Angie," she said, and then proceeded to ask her friend if she could help us out. She seemed willing to, saying that she was friends with Simon on Facebook, and a few minutes later, she sent Vivienne a recent picture of him, which she then forwarded to my phone.

Vivienne recoiled at the sight of his face and handed me the phone so that I could take a look. I had to admit that I was curious as to how this guy looked. Usually, we think of psychos and stalkers and other such criminals as being ugly, creepy-looking people. This guy looked nothing like you'd imagine such a person to look. He was pretty good-looking, as much as I hated to admit it. Well-built and broad-shouldered with short, stylishly cut blond hair, a strong, square, cleanly-shaven jaw, and the kind of blue eyes my sister used to say would make a woman swoon. He had that look like he was probably the captain of his high school football team. I didn't like him already.

"This is him?"

"That's him," she said, disgust laced in her words.

"He's, uh, better looking than I expected," I remarked.

"Looks can be deceiving. You haven't seen how ugly he is on the inside."

"Yeah, I know, I've known my share of those types. Well, let me take a shower and get dressed and head on over the road to talk to Mrs. Dobbins. If you want to fix some breakfast in the meantime, I would not be opposed to that," I winked at her.