“I’m aware of that,” I said. “And it’s not like I don’t have time to myself. My parents take Declan out every Sunday. Not every pa

rent has that opportunity.”

“No, they don’t. And you’re very fortunate that your parents are willing to do that.”

“They feel like—well, never mind. Yes, I know.”

“And what kind of things do you like to do?

“I usually go for a bike ride. Sometimes I’ll do things around the yard or do errands that are just easier to get done without having Declan, and on the very rare occasion, I’ll just hang out at the house and do... nothing.” Though I couldn’t remember the last time that I had done that. “I do have time for myself,” I said again.

Lisa nodded. “But what I’m hearing is that most of the activities you do are by yourself.”

I knew what she was getting at, but I decided to play dumb. “Isn’t that what the whole point of it is? Time to myself? I do have friends, too. Well, friend is more like it, but that’s really all I can fit in my life right now, if you want to know the truth.”

Our conversation went back and forth like that for the rest of the session. When it was over, Lisa asked me if I wanted to book another session.

“I’ll have to get back to you on that,” I told her.

I wasn’t sure how I was expecting to feel after my first therapy appointment, but I didn’t feel healed, that much I knew. I felt frustrated, which probably wasn’t a good sign of me having any success with these appointments, though I should probably go back at least once more before throwing the towel in.

When I got back home, Ben hung out while I put Declan to bed, and then he and I had a much deserved beer out on the deck.

“Should I clear my calendar for next Thursday, too?” Ben asked.

From where I was sitting, I could see into Allie’s yard and see part of her house. There was a light on, in what I thought was the living room, though the curtain was partially closed, so I couldn’t really see in. What was she doing in there?

I tried to push the thought from my mind, though. I could sit there all night wondering that, and that was no way to start to move on from someone.

“Yeah,” I said to Ben, taking another sip of my beer. “If you don’t mind being available next Thursday, too, that’d be great.”

On Sunday, when my parents got back from taking Declan to the water park, he had a new remote control airplane they had bought him.

“I know it’s an indulgence,” my mom said, “but he was so excited when he saw it, so we just couldn’t resist.”

We were sitting on the deck, watching as my dad and Declan played around with the remote control, and then fly the airplane into the air.

“Well, thanks again for taking him out,” I said. “Not just today, but all these Sundays.”

“It’s the least we could do, and you know that. Did you have a good time while we were out?”

I shrugged. “Yeah. I went for a bike ride.” The truth was, it was hot and humid, and with every pedal stroke I’d been tempted to just turn around, but I forced myself to finish the route.

“Declan seemed to enjoy himself today,” my mother said, watching as the plane did loops and twirls through the air. “He asked if we could go fishing next week.”

“I’ll have to dig out his old fishing pole, if I can find it.”

“We’ve still got your old one. It’s in good shape.” She paused. “He also asked us if we could invite Allie.”

“Did he?”

“Yes. He said since you usually don’t go with us, that maybe Allie could go.”

“Oh. Well... that doesn’t entirely surprise me. He’s been asking about her.”

“It’s hard, isn’t it? And he doesn’t understand the details about all of that. Not that he should, at that age.”

“I know. I tried to explain it to him the best I could, but I think it just frustrated him even more. Because Declan thinks if we’re fighting, we should just make up and then everything can go back to the way it used to.”