“It’s better than that, but you have to win first.”

“Bring it, Skye.”

“Oh, I definitely will. Be good out there; I think you’re really going to like the prize.”


Sand stung my ankles as we stepped onto the beach. Save for a few tiny gusts of wind though, it was the perfect day for the beach.

We left our stuff in the car and headed, hand in hand, to the jet ski guy. “I haven’t seen you guys for a while.”

He was actually smiling at us as he retrieved our life jackets and keys.


James pressed a kiss to my hair; some unfamiliar emotion was flashing in his eyes. It was gone before I could place it. He gave my hand a final squeeze and reached for his wallet. “Go ahead, angel. I have to settle things here.”

James didn’t have to ask me twice. I wanted that prize that he had promised. I had no idea what it was going to be, but if it was better than lunch at the Spanish place, I was winning it. “You’re on, Skye.”

I fastened the straps on my life jacket as I jogged to the yellow and purple jet ski that I favored, revving it up and shooting into the water before James had even started heading toward the shore.

It had been a while since we’d last been out here, but the smooth glide of the watercraft over the gentle swells was still familiar. I weaved around a little to get the hang of it, then spun my jet ski around in a spray of water to watch James approach.

I marveled at the man sitting astride the blue jet ski. The tanned, unmarked skin that I knew to be so soft under my touch. The hard ridges of his delectable body. The way his eyes shone as he skidded to a stop with precision just about a yard away from me. Lips that I would never stop kissing if I had a choice pulled up into a confident smirk.

More than anything, I marveled at the fact that he was mine. That he had been for two years and one month to the day. It was the second anniversary of the day he had first told me that he loved me, and we’d gotten my father’s blessing.

I doubted that he even remembered, but I would never forget that day. It was burned into my memory as the start of the best days of my life.

His deep, smooth voice pulled me from my wonderment. “Same terms as always. First one from the buoy and back to the other wins.”

“You’re on, Skye. Try not to get too wet back there.” I spun my jet ski with another spray of water and raced off, focusing my attention on winning that prize instead of the perfect specimen of masculinity that I would be winning it from.

James drew even with me as we approached the first buoy. I pulled back on the throttle and gunned it. The wind felt amazing in my hair. I felt freer and more relaxed than I had in a long time.

There was something about being out on the open ocean with a gassed-up watercraft and the love of my life hot on my heels that was positively exhilarating.

I shot past the second buoy first, throwing my hands up in the air in victory, an insanely wide grin spreading on my face.

I won! I can’t believe that I actually won!

James rounded the buoy not a second later, wearing a grin that made my heart race and skip a beat at the same time, if that were possible. Around him, it was. I was living proof of that fact.

“Well done, angel. Let’s get back to shore. You ready for your prize?” His eyes had taken on the turquoise hue of the water around him, shining with excitement. Whatever the surprise was, it was sure to be good.

“What? You don’t want a second chance to beat the master?” I joked, already pointing my nose in the direction of the shoreline.

I wanted that prize. I hoped that it involved the motel on the beach and then lunch at the Spanish place. That would be the perfect day off.

“Not today. Besides, we both know who the true master is.” He teased, but his heart wasn’t in it. He fidgeted with the choke chain, eyes pinned to the beach behind me.

James didn’t fidget. Ever. He didn’t get nervous, but he sure looked it as he gestured for me to take the lead and stayed close in my wake.

My heart pounded. If the prize was having that effect on him, it was bound to be downright amazing for me.

Once we reached the beach, he reached for my hand and wound his fingers through my mine as he guided me down the shore without a word. In the opposite direction of the motel.

Damn. Although it had been a while since we’d done anything sexual in a public place, maybe we were—