Sienna didn’t like Rachel for some reason, but she never pressed the issue, and neither did I. Sienna was my best friend, and Rachel was my girlfriend. I could keep my favorite two ladies separated, just as long as they were both in my life.

“Actually, I want to talk to you about her,” I said.


“But not here,” I said. “Tomorrow night. I’ll take you to dinner.”

“Okay?” she drew out the word. “Can you give me a hint?”

I smiled. She hated surprises. “Nope.”

Chapter Two


It was just past six when Tony and I started to pack up the diner for the night. We hadn’t had a customer in an hour, and I doubted anyone else was coming that night. Friday and Saturday nights tended to be the slowest since most of the tourists flocked to the clubs while the residents went to their local watering holes. I hoped Parker’s ideas for social media marketing would help bring in the customers for the busy season, or else I’d be stuck living on Ramen noodles for some time to come.

Tony and I took separate ends of the dining room and started wiping tables.

“What do you think he’s going to talk to you about?” Tony asked.

“I have no idea,” I said, scrubbing at a particularly stubborn syrup spill.

“I bet he’s going to ask Rachel to marry him.”

My hand stopped scrubbing for a moment. “There’s no way Parker would ask her that. They’ve only been together for a year.” Parker wouldn’t think of marrying that gold-digger. It was one thing to date that skank, but another thing completely to sign his billions away to her.

“A lot of people get married in less time,” Tony said.

“Yeah, but not Parker.”

“He seems to really like her.”

“That’s fine, but he won’t be stupid enough to marry her. He’s just having fun.” I could think of a dozen girls Parker would have more fun with than stuck-up Rachel, but that was his decision.

“Is that jealousy I hear?”

I turned to face him and crossed my arms over my chest. “Definitely not. I’m just a concerned friend, that’s all.”

Tony grinned that stupid grin of his, and I huffed then turned away from him, starting in on the next table.

“Well, if you were jealous, I wouldn’t hold that against you. Rachel seems very materialistic.”

Glad I wasn’t the only one who saw that. But I was done talking about Rachel.

“He probably wants to ask my opinion on a present for her or something.”

“Is that why he’s taking you out to a fancy place? To talk about gifts?”

I whirled around. “What do you mean a ‘fancy place?’”

Tony pressed his lips together. “Aw, man, I wasn’t supposed to tell you.”

“What did he tell you?”

“I’m not getting in the middle of this; call him yourself.”

And that’s exactly what I did. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and pressed the screen for his number.