The employees were thrilled with us taking co-ownership of the company, and even expanding into the Chinese markets. We’d opened a new branch office, which was thriving.

My mind raced with memories as my stomach tightened, and I found it hard to breathe.

“Miss Molly?” William knelt in front of me with a wet hand towel and a glass of ice water. “Are you all right? I’m not a father, but I do believe we might want to get you loaded into the car for when Alfie arrives.”

Elizabeth, my maid, walked into the living room and reached for me. “Come on. William is right, madam. Let’s get you into the car and ready so that when the master arrives, we can get the two of you off.”

I took her hand and stood, wobbling a little. They both reached for me, and we all shared a nervous chuckle. “And if he doesn’t get here before my water breaks?”

“Then I’ll take you to the hospital, of course.” William nodded, always so good and faithful to me and Alfie.

“And I’ll go with you.” Elizabeth beamed. She had several children of her own, but they were all grown. She was almost as excited as I was about Alfie and I having our first baby.

“Where is she?” Alfie’s voice boomed through the house as the front door slammed.

“In here, sir!” William called out.

“I’m fine.” I turned as Alfie jogged into the room and reached for me.

“Lass, I told you I should have stayed home today. I had a funny feeling about you going into labor.”

“Well, let’s have the two of you chat about this on the way to the hospital, shall we?” Elizabeth put her hand on the small of my back and walked me toward the side door which led to the garage. “William and I will take another car and meet you there. Sophia will be in charge of the house, and you both need to focus on this time. It’s precious and fleeting. Everything else will be handled by us.”

“I love this woman.” I nodded back to Elizabeth as Alfie grabbed my hand and walked with us through the kitchen.

“William. Grab the bag, please?” Alfie called out and looked down at me with love in his eyes. “I’m so fucking excited I can hardly stand it.”

“You know you can’t be cursing around the baby, right?” I teased him as if I were some sort of saint. My jovialness turned to a grimace as another contraction hit, and I bent over a little and cried out.

“Mol?” Alfie moved in front of me, his expression filled with concern. “Do you need me to tote you, baby?”

“No,” I panted through the contraction. “Just move and let me go a little faster. The contractions are getting closer and closer.”

He moved back, and I walked with Elizabeth to the car. Once she had me settled inside of it, I let out a long sigh and leaned back. I was grateful for the Mercedes. It was much roomier than some of Alfie’s sports cars that he loved so much. I could just see myself getting down into one of the leather seats while I was trying to keep the baby inside of me.

“You okay, baby?” He got in and shut his door before leaning over and kissing me several times.

I swatted at him as my body tightened again. “No kissing me. Just get me there!”

He laughed, taking my angst quite well. “Anything my girl wants, she gets.”

“Good, then you have the baby.” I gripped the sides of my arm rests and let out a long growl as another contraction hit. “Go fast, baby. I’m not sure why they’re coming so quickly, but I don’t want to have the baby in the car.”

“Got it.” He pulled out of the driveway and drove like a bat out of hell. Just before we reached the hospital, we were forced to stop at a red light. He reached over and took my hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing my knuckles. “I love you so much, Mol. You’re everything to me. Thank you for this gift, lass. For every good gift your love has provided me over the last few years. I’m so honored to be your husband.”

Tears filled my eyes. “Don’t be so sweet right now. I’m having a hard time holding it together. I’m scared and worried about the baby. She’s three weeks early.”

“And she’s going to be just fine, lass. Don’t worry about a thing. Just concentrate on your breathing and focus on me.”

“You’re going to be right beside me the whole time, right?”

“Yes. I’m not going anywhere. And Logan and Peyton will be flying in later today. I contacted them on the way back to the estate.” He turned his attention back to the road and hit the gas, causing the car to jerk a little. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” I leaned back and closed my eyes, forcing myself to think about mine and Alfie’s best friends. The day he proposed to me, they met, and within six months, they were engaged too.

Peyton was six months pregnant with a little boy, and we couldn’t have been happier for them. I was a little surprised that the doctor was letting her fly, but I was beyond grateful that she was coming to support me. She was my only friend in the world at one time, but not anymore. I’d made many friends at work and in the community in Devon where we lived.

Life couldn’t have been better, and Alfie and I were in the perfect place in our lives to bring in a little one. I prayed she had Alfie’s eyes and his perfectly straight nose, but more than anything, I just wanted her to be healthy.