“I’m down for not having to cook tonight. I’d rather spend my time washing this really hot guy I know. Then maybe taking some time to make him squirm?”

He glanced over at me, face a mask of indifference. “Do I know this guy?”

I giggled before wrapping my free arm around him and kissing the back of his shoulder. I pressed my cheek to his back and rested against him, letting the sexiness of his muscles flexing against me throw me into a horny lust. It wasn’t hard to do around him.

“You do know him.” I kissed his back once more before turning and walking away. “You know what I think?”

“Do tell.” He joined me in a slow, languid walk back toward the car.

“I think we should set up Logan and Peyton.” I stopped at the trunk and moved back as he put everything up for us. “She’s my best friend, and he’s yours. I think they would really like each other.”

He nodded. “I think you might be right. From what little I know of Peyton, she seems like the kind of woman that Logan would be thrilled to take out for a bite to eat.”

“Wait…are we talking food or him biting her?” I reached for him, pulling him close to me as he encircled me with his strong arms.

“Food for them, nibbling on flesh for me.” He leaned in and ran his nose by mine. “We could just wait for the two of them to meet.”

“Where in the world would that ever happen?” My stomach tightened at his nearness, and my pulse spiked.

“It could happen anywhere, I suppose, but it will most certainly happen at our wedding.” He leaned in and kissed me softly. “That’s assuming you’ll marry a chap like me.”

I smiled. “I can’t see myself with anyone but you. I don’t think you have much to worry about.”

“And you’re good with working at the company with me? I know it’s a little—”

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his. I was good with anything he wanted to do, and however he wanted to do it. I’d spent my life looking for love in the wrong places and never really feeling like I belonged.

He made my world different. Better. He completed me, and I still couldn’t believe we got our start the day I left my fiancé, and his best University friend, at the altar. Speaking of Harry…

“What happened with you and Harry the other day? You didn’t really tell me the story.” I slid my hands up his chest and around his neck as the wind blew around us.

“He just came up and apologized.” He shrugged. “I think he fell in love with his company and found his importance in that. It fucks up your love life when you do.”

“Yeah, I understand that. Every relationship starts to become an interview for what that person can do for you in your career.”

“Even your outlook on marriage.” He shook his head. “My mother and father got married because they loved each other, and my father took on his company as a mistress. It fucked things up. I’m so much like him that it scares me that I might accidentally do that too. Promise me that you’ll let me know if I ever start to neglect you in lieu of the business. Please?”

I smiled. “Of course, Alfie. There’s going to be times when the business has to be more important, for both of us, but we’ll pull through. I love you so much already. I can’t imagine where our future is headed.”

“Me either, but I’m looking forward to it for the first time since my father died.” He leaned down and kissed me, deepening it and stealing my breath. “That’s all thanks to you, so maybe I should be thanking you, hmmm?”

“For what?” I snuggled against him, finding home in his arms. Wherever he was, I would be too. There was no way in the world I was walking away from what he had together. It seemed almost fairytale-like, as if it had been in existence the whole time, and yet I was just discovering it for myself.

“For saving me.” He closed the small gap between us and kissed me until my knees grew weak. It was a theme in our relationship, and I had no doubt that it always would be.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Three Months Later


“All right, so, you have everything ready?” Logan walked off the plane in London and pulled me into a hug, not greeting me at all. The concentration on his face told me one thing…he’d spent the entire plane ride running through the plans we had for the night.

Peyton had flown in the day before, and Molly thought it was just a coincidence that our best friends wanted to come visit at the same time. I’d been planning the day for over two months.

“Yes. The restaurant is rented out for the rooftop for the four of us, and a violin quartet will be coming by at eight. The waiter knows to leave us be with a bottle of wine and some chocolates at eight-thirty.”

“And the flower petals will be sprinkled everywhere before we arrive?”