I got out of the bed and found a pair of bottoms before walking to the bathroom to find her in her favorite robe. “I have a staff, you know.”

“I know, but still.” She watched me in the mirror in front of her. “Have you cooked anything?”

“No.” I moved up behind her and wrapped my arms around her before leaving down and kissing the side of her neck. “I missed you so much. You have no clue how much I regretted all that shit going wrong.”

“The worst part is that I was trying to help you, and you were just trying to protect your company.” She turned in my arms. “No more stupid misunderstandings between us.”

“Got it.” I leaned down and brushed my lips against hers. “Breakfast sounds good. Shrimp scampi?”

She laughed and moved out of my hold, leaving me to watch her go. The woman was everything I wanted in my life and then some. Good fate and fortune had her back within my grasp, and I wasn’t letting go again.

“Go start the coffee while I find some socks?” she asked as I walked out of the bathroom and watched her.

“Absolutely.” I made my way down to the kitchen with a bounce in my step. Things were going to be fine. Better than fine. I’d made up with her and Harry. Where I wasn’t sure if Harry and I would have a relationship going forward, it was still good to have some reconciliation with the old chap.

I’d almost gotten the coffee made by the time she walked into the room. The smell of her perfume filled my nose, and let me a little needier that I wanted to be.

“Were you serious about me coming to work for you?” She leaned against the counter and smiled up at me.

I reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Yes. I would love that. We’ll have to figure out how to tell everyone that we’re seeing each other, but outside of that, I think you would be a great fit.”

“Do we need to tell them?” She reached up to get two coffee mugs from the counter above the microwave.

“I don’t know.” I moved to the fridge and got out everything we would need for breakfast.

“I got it. Just grab your coffee and sit down at the table. I want to dote on you a little.” Molly’s smile was warm and loving.

“You sure? I don’t mind helping.” I took my cup and walked to the table, letting my actions speak far louder than my words. If I never had to cook again, I’d be alright with it.

She laughed. “Yes, I can see it’s something you’re really torn up over.”

I dropped down into my seat. “Tell me what brought you back to me, Mol. I mean, I know you and I have an incredible love affair starting between us, but what was the push you needed that got you here? You made some big sacrifices, and if we’re being honest, it was me that needed to come after you. I fucked up royally.”

“Yeah. You did.” She winked before turning toward the stove. “But I knew I was falling in love with you. I’ve never let my career get in the way of anything I wanted, and I was doing that this time. I went from interview to interview, feeling like shit, and the last one was the worst.” She dropped a few pieces of bacon in the skillet on the stove and turned to face me, nursing her coffee. “And as fate would have it, I ran into Logan downtown.”

I smiled. “He told me. He thinks you’re quite beautiful.”

She shrugged. “I don’t care what anyone thinks about my looks but you.”

My body hardened as she gave me a sweet smile. I got up and walked toward her, pulling her into my arms as I leaned down and kissed her.

“I’m completely lost to you.” I brushed her hair back. “You want to go check out this special place that my father used to take me to later today?”

“I’d love that.” Her expression softened a little. “I want to know everything about you.”

“I want that too. I think if I opened up a little, you might understand some of the hesitation in coming to find you.”

She reached up and touched the side of my face, her fingertips so soft. “As long as you’re happy that I’m here now, I don’t need to know why you waited a week.”

I chuckled. “Your voice just changed a little. You are upset about that.”

“I’m a woman. Of course I want to feel like I’m good enough for a man like you to come after me.” She kissed me once more before turning and working on breakfast again.

I wrapped her up in a tight hug, loving the way her soft ass felt pressed against my erection. “You’re way too good for me, Mol. Don’t ever deny that.”

“Prove it.” Her voice was filled with cheekiness. God, I loved her.

“I intend to. For the rest of my life.” I popped her butt and walked back to the table. Everything was going to be perfect because she was there.