“You’re so beautiful, love.” He pressed his chest to mine and reached up to brush my hair from my face. “Stay here with me, Molly. Come work at the company with me, and let’s give us a fair chance.”

“I want to,” I whispered and lifted a little to press my lips to his. He kissed me softly as he made love to me, the passion there, but the emotion changing the pace and intensity.

The soft kisses he trailed down the side of my neck as he worked his thick shaft in and out of me had me dizzy. I held on tightly and tried hard to work him from beneath the heavy weight of his firm body.

“Come with me again?” He kissed my ear and rolled his hips, hitting a spot deep inside of me that I didn’t realize existed.

“Fuck,” I moaned and tightened my thighs around him as I pressed my nails into his taunt back. “Do that again.”

“Say please.” He licked up the side of my neck and rolled his hips, punching into that spot again.

“Please!” I cried out only to have him do it over and over until the room disappeared and the world exploded.

He came with me and rolled over to the side, panting loudly when he was done. I turned and curled up beside him, resting my cheek on his chest and wrapping my free arm around him.

“That was amazing.” I kissed the side of his chest before looking up at him.

“I didn’t use a condom. Fuck.” He gave me an apologetic look.

“It’s fine. We’ll be fine.” I snuggled in closer.

“Are you going to stay here with me?” He turned to face me, pulling me into his strong arms where I belonged.

“I’m not sure I have much of a choice.” I glanced up with a cheeky grin on my face. “I used the last of my savings to get here.”

“There’s no need to worry about money, Molly. Or anything else for that matter. You’re mine if you want to be, and I’m almost ashamed to say you’re probably still mine, even if you don’t!”

We laughed, and I closed my eyes. “I want to be yours.”

“Good.” He kissed my head and let out a contented sigh. “Because you already are.”

Chapter Thirty-Five


I was almost scared that I’d dreamt Molly being there the day before, but waking the next morning to her pressed to me confirmed the truth.

The woman loved me.

She loved me so much that she’d spent her last dime or maybe even borrowed money to get a plane ticket to come find me, and it was my fucking fault that we’d not worked out in the first place. I’d tucked tail and ran the minute things got a little sticky.

It wasn’t her who was going to act like my mother with her wayward wants and infidelities; it was me. Fear rose up inside of me, but I squelched it.

“Morning, baby.” Molly rolled over toward me and ran her hand down my chest. “Did you sleep okay?”

“Like a baby.” I pulled her close and kissed her a few times before studying her face. My heart skipped a few beats, and the butterflies in my stomach danced around. The woman was far too good for a guy like me, but I wasn’t letting go again.

Not ever.

Now I just had to figure out how soon was too soon for asking her to marry me. It felt a little trite after everything we’d been through, and I was more than sure it would be rushing things, but I couldn’t stop myself from wanting to.

I’d wanted to slap Harry the day before over marrying for anything but love, and here it was, right in front of me. Love. I wanted to marry Molly and keep her close beside me, never sharing or giving her up for anyone else.

“You’re lost in thought.” She laughed as she got out of the bed.

“Yeah. I was thinking about how grateful I am that you had the courage to get on that plane.” I rolled onto my side as the blood rushed from my extremities to my cock. She looked damn good walking to the bathroom with nothing on. “Come back over here, and let’s wake up in more of a proper fashion.”

“Nope. I’m making you breakfast.” She walked into the bathroom. “I bet you haven’t eaten anything good in a week.”