A cold anger filled me as I closed the door.

“Did you find her?” he asked, and glanced at his wrist watch in irritation. “I mean, we have a flight to catch here soon.”

“She’s not coming,” I said and caught Harry’s startled eyes. “She knows about last night. I found her after finding Peyton.”

The room went silent. Harry stared at me as in sheer disbelief as I unbuttoned my jacket to toss it carelessly on a chair.

“What do you mean she’s not coming?” he asked.

I gave him a chilly gaze. “I mean, she said the wedding is off. She knows what happened last night.”

Anger filled Harry’s face as he stood up to pace about the small room. His cheeks burned bright red as he swore underneath his breath. It was Jacob who spoke first.

“How the hell did she find this out, mate?” he asked, icily. “There’s only one person who left last night who knew about it.”

“Everyone knows Harry here,” I answered, sharply. “You should’ve thought that before sneaking off with some whore who was hired to have sex with you lot. It was only a matter of time before someone told her.”

“Inconsiderate bitch,” Harry muttered, angrily. “We have guests from the United States here, including members of our families, and she decides to call the wedding off just like that? She’s going to make me look like the piece of shit here.”

“You cheated on her,” I said, flatly. “Apparently, numerous times too from what she suspects.”

Harry pointed a finger directly at me. “Don’t lecture me on loyalty, Alfie. You were no saint back in our Uni days.”

“I was young and stupid, Harry. I never claimed to be an innocent saint.”

“Where’s Molly at now?” Harry demanded. “I need to speak with her about this decision. Is she with the bridesmaids or—”

I stepped into his line of path when Harry started to the door. Holding my hands up, I shook my head at him in a mixture sadness and anger.

“She’s getting on a plane to go back to America tonight,” I said. The lie slipped out easily to my relief. “That’s all I know, but I wanted to let you know that the wedding is off, so you can tell your guests what happened.”

I grabbed a hold of my bag that was next to Jacob on the chairs. He glowered at me as I slipped the strap over my shoulder. “I guess you know who your true friends are now, Harry.”

“That’s right,” I said, and turned to look at Harry who had a small bit of decency to look ashamed. “You know who the true friends are around you. Not too sure about how true they are, but whatever makes you happy. Excuse me. I have somewhere to be tonight.”

It was Harry’s parents standing on the other side of the door when I opened it. They looked relieved to see me as I stepped out with a sinking stomach.

“What is going on, Alfie?” Harry’s mum asked. “Someone said that Molly left in your rental car?”

I glanced over my shoulder at Harry as he ran a hand through his hair, visibly distraught with what was about to come. Harry’s mum was not afraid to whoop her adult son for misbehaving. She was a force to be reckoned with.

“Yes,” I said. “I’m sorry, but I have to go. Feel free to ask your son and his groomsmen why the wedding is off.”

Pressing a quick kiss to her powdery cheek, I sidestepped her to head down the hallway in the direction of the church doors. I found Peyton waiting there with her own bag, along with what I assumed were Molly’s bags.

She held up car keys to me wordlessly when I approached. “I’ll let you drive to wherever you need to go since you don’t have a car.” She glanced into the church where everyone was gathered together. “I don’t want to stick around for this shit show. Do you?”

“No,” I said, and took the keys. “Let’s get out of here.”

Chapter Four


Devon, England

I stared up at the iron gates that protected a long stretch of driveway that curved behind a long line of shrubs. It seemed impossible that one man could own such an estate on a hundred acres of green land, but Alfie owned it clear and free. That much I remembered when Harry spoke of Alfie with a sense of pride and envy.

And he’s incredibly generous. I had thought for a horrible second all of this was some sort cruel ploy since Alfie was Harry’s best man for the wedding. Nothing in Alfie’s demeanor had suggested otherwise. He looked horrified, irritated, confused, and worn out over the entire situation, too. Not once did he stick up for Harry as a close friend wo