“I’d love some of your fish and chips.”

“And a pint of lager?” he patted me on the back and walked with me to my usual seat.

“That would be brilliant.” I dropped down and let out a long sigh. “You doing okay?”

“Oh, yeah. My wife loves your new phone.” He shook his head. “I can’t figure out how to work the damn thing, but she believes you to be a very gifted young man.”

I smiled. “Bring it to me, and I’ll show you everything you need to know.”

“I’ll do that.” He nodded and turned, walking toward the back.

Much to my surprise, the voice that called my name didn’t send a shiver of anger down my spine. Harry.

“Alfie. Hey, mate. Mind if I sit?” He stood beside the open seat across from me. “Please? I have some apologizing to do.”

I nodded, not quite sure what to think.

He dropped down and let out a long sigh, holding my gaze, which was brave of him. “I’m sorry, mate. I shouldn’t have been such a dick to come out to your place and act like I did.”

“I understand why you came.” I reached for my beer as Albert approached. He gave me a weary look and glanced down at Harry.

“Pint for you, lad?”

“Yes, sir. I’ll take whatever Alfie is having, and bring the bill to me, please.” He turned back to me. “The moment I met Molly back in the States, I knew she would be perfect for you.”

“What?” I snorted as I lifted my glass to my lips. “Perfect for me?”

“Yeah.” He leaned back and gave me a sheepish look. “I shouldn’t have proposed or taken advantage of her. She’s far too good of a woman for me.” He shrugged. “But I knew she would make a great wife and a fantastic business partner.”

“Why would you marry for practicality?” I leaned toward him as my brow drew tight. I couldn’t fathom marrying for anything but love. It was too fucking hard. You had to have the right kind of binding between you when things got tough because they would. I’d seen it with my parents and all their friends, as well as the people in my small beloved town. Love was the only reason to marry.

“Because I’m an idiot.” Harry reached up and took the beer from Albert, thanking him. “Molly had fallen for me, maybe not fully, but enough for me to know that we were compatible.”

“Then why did you cheat on her?” My voice grew tight as the room darkened a little. I wanted to reach out and beat his ass all over again for hurting her.

“Because I wasn’t in love.” He glanced down at his pint and back up to me. “I’ll make my peace with her over all of it because she’s worth the humility, but I’m telling you now that I’m sorry. I was a dick to both of you, and I shouldn’t have been.”

“What happened to you, mate?” I pulled my napkin into my lap as Albert brought out my fish and chips. Harry stole a fry, and I started to reprimand him, but I couldn’t.

We’d been friends for years, and if I were really being honest with myself, I missed him. The old him. There had been many days where he’d carried my wayward ass out of a bar or helped me fight off some lass’s boyfriend because I’d dry-humped her on the dance floor.

“No clue.” He shrugged and smiled. “I was just thinking the other day that it’s almost like we traded places. You became responsible and caring, and I turned into a drunken asshole who would do anything for a laugh or rise outta someone.”

“Yeah.” I dropped my hands into my lap. “You took care of me a lot back in Uni. I never thanked you for that.”

“No need. I should thank you for taking care of Molly. She deserves so much better than me.”

“And me,” I added and reached for my beer. “Are you going to call and apologize to her?”

“Absolutely, but I thought I would start with you, seeing that you’re here.” He extended his hand toward me. “Please. Forgive me. I’m going to return to being the man my folks raised me to be. Let that begin today.”

I shook his hand without hesitation. Everyone fucked up and deserved a second chance.

I could only pray that Molly felt the same. I’d be taking a page from Harry’s book and calling her the minute I got home. I couldn’t live without knowing that I’d tried to reconcile things between us.

Harry was right about one thing: she was the woman for me. Of that, I had no doubt.

Chapter Thirty-Four