I pulled the phone out, not liking Logan’s answer. It wasn’t just Alfie’s pride that had him not calling; it was my own stubborn pride that had me refusing to reconcile. As if I gave a shit about credit for the strategy. It was more the underlying ache of knowing that he didn’t value me.

“Hello?” I barked into the phone, not giving a shit who it was.

“Molly. It’s Gary. Now a good time?” My heart leaped in my chest. I reached up and cupped my hand over the receiver, pressing it tightly to my ear.

“Yeah. It’s a great time. What’s up?” I tried to sound as chill as I could, but I knew I was failing at it miserably. Hell, maybe a little bit of desperation was a good thing. I needed a job. Like yesterday.

“I spoke with one of my investment companies, and Alfie told me that his latest launch strategy was actually yours.” He chuckled heartily.

“Wow. He did?” My heart swelled in my chest as more tears blinded my vision. “That was nice of him.”

“Yeah, but I wish I would have known that when you came to see me. It would have swept away the fact that you left so quickly.” I could hear a bit of tension flooding back into his voice.

“I can understand that.” I glanced over to find Logan looking out the other window, trying to give me as much privacy as he could. “I’m so sorry about leaving so fast. I just felt like Harry was the right man for me, and my love life has always been such a joke that I jumped. I shouldn’t have done it. Forgive me.”

“No, kiddo. Forgive me. I shouldn’t have judged you so harshly. I’ve jumped a lot of times in my life too. Why don’t you come back, and we’ll chat about your old job when you get a chance, hm?”

“I’d like that.” I took a quick breath and brushed more tears from my cheeks. “Thanks, Gary.”

“Don’t thank me. Thank Alfie. He thinks you’re something quite special, and I have to admit…he’s right.”

I dropped the call and pressed my face into my hands, crying softly for a few seconds. Logan’s strong hand rubbed my back, and his voice was so soft and caring.

“You know what you need to do, right?”

I sat back and ran my hands down my face. “Go over there?”

“Yep. Love doesn’t wait, and sometimes you gotta be the bigger person to save it. I think it’s worth it.”

“I do too.” I pulled up my phone and booked a flight. I wasn’t going to let this go like I had everything else in my life. Time to fight for what I wanted.

Time to get my man back.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Weekends rarely mattered as I worked all the bloody time, but the situation with Molly had me wanting to give up on just about everything. The advice from some good colleagues at work was to take my Saturday and do something I loved to do.

Funny enough, the only thing I enjoyed before saving Molly from her drama with Harry, was working. My hobbies had long fallen by the wayside. I’d have to get some new ones, besides drinking and one-night stands. My heart wasn’t in either just yet, and I wasn’t sure it would be anytime in the near future.

After waking up at almost noon, I piddled around the house and read the paper with my morning coffee. It felt peaceful and almos

t right. The only thing that would have made it better was the smell of bacon frying in the kitchen and my beautiful lass standing by the stove in her robe.

My cock hardened just thinking about her. She had a serious pull over me. “Get over your fucking self and call her. Stop thinking about the company and think about yourself for once. Shit.”

My phone rang, causing me to jump as I was mid-rant on myself. It was a strange life, being alone all the time, but I’d grown accustomed to it. Or had…

I picked up the phone to see it was Logan. He was the only person I didn’t mind talking to. “Hey, mate.”

“Alfie. Good to hear your voice, man.” He sounded far too chipper for the time of morning it was back in New York.

“I was just there a week ago. You’re getting sweet on me. I can tell.” I smiled before lifting my mug to my lips to finish off my cooling coffee.

“You wish, old friend.” He chuckled. “I was calling because I had an interesting encounter yesterday.”

“That so?” I leaned back in my chair. “Did you run into that old broad who nipped the tip of your dick back in University?”