“I’m sorry to hear that.” He slipped his hands into his slacks. “Let’s share a cab if you’re okay with that. I’m going a little bit farther than you, but it will save us some money and win me some points with Alfie.”

He moved to hail another cab, and I stifled my remarks. Alfie wouldn’t give two shits if Logan helped me. He had waved his way out of my life after taking credit for the biggest launch his company had ever seen. Where it was his invention that wowed the market, it was my strategy that got it in front of them.

I was hurt, but even more so by the fact that he hadn’t called. There would be no reconciliation for us, which torn down my defenses and had depression knocking at the door of my heart.

“Here we go, Molly. Come on.” Logan motioned for me to join him.

I tucked my thoughts away and walked quickly toward him. “Thank you for this. It’s been a shitty day.”

“Well, we all have them.” He held the door and moved back as I climbed in.

“Where are you headed, miss?” The cabbie turned around and offered me a smile.

“To Delilah’s on the south side.” I leaned back and let out a sigh as Logan climbed in beside me.

“Breakfast?” he tucked his briefcase between his legs and turned his attention to me.

“Yeah. I’m going to treat myself. I need it.” I forced a chuckle.

“Care for company?”

I wanted to deny him the request to join me, but it was too asinine for even me that morning. “Yeah, sure.”

“So why in the world are you still here?” He crossed his arms over his chest and studied me.

“What do you mean?” I reached up and smoothed down my hair a little as nervousness danced in the pit of my stomach. Would he tell Alfie that we had breakfast, and if so, what would Alfie think?

Memories of us making love plummeted me, sending my heart racing and my stomach tightening. Fuck, I missed him so much.

“Well, the last I heard, Alfie was going to offer you a job at his company. With the great job you did on the marketing launch of his latest product, how could he not?” He snorted. “And to top it all off, it seems fitting, you know?”

“For him to hire me?”

“Yeah. You deserve that and so much more.” His voice was warm and so genuine. I could see why he and Alfie were friends.

“He told you that I’d been the one to suggest the plan?”

“Of course he did.” He tilted his head a little as if just waking up to the fact that something wasn’t quite right. “He didn’t tell his company because those old farts are so insanely sensitive to private information being discussed outside the company. Makes sense though…they’re a technology company at the core.”

I nodded. It did make sense. “Alfie was going to offer me a job with him?”

He nodded as his smile faded. “He didn’t offer you the job?”

“No.” I turned and glanced down at my hands, praying like hell that I would tear up. The last thing I wanted to do was appear weak or broken in front of someone I barely knew. “He left, and we really haven’t spoken since. We had a bit of a fight over the credit for the marketing thing.”

“Oh, no.” He shook his head as I glanced over toward him. “That’s horrible news. I’ve known Alfie since we were boys. He’s never been as light and free as he was when you guys were dating. It was as if he’d found the one. You know?”

I took a shaky breath and nodded as tears burned my eyes. “I know. I feel the same way.”

“He was falling in love with you, Molly.” Logan reached over and squeezed my hand. “Isn’t there something you can do to reconcile the situation? He’s such a good man, and he’s been through so much shit over the course of his life.”

“I don’t know.” I reached up and wiped at my tears as my phone buzzed in my purse beside me. “I feel like an idiot calling him.”

“Don’t. Love is way too precious to waste. He feels like shit about not giving you credit for the marketing strategy. He’s not the kind of guy who something like that would sit well on.”

My phone continued to ring. “Then why hasn’t he called?”

“Pride?” Logan smiled before nodding to my purse. “Take that. I’m good. Seriously.”