“I’ve been better.” I got into the car, my voice deadpan. My phone buzzed in my briefcase, and I checked it, noting that it was Sicily, my secretary. As much as I didn’t want to talk to anyone, she was good about not bothering me unless there was an emergency or something important.

“This is Alfie.” I turned to look out the window as a pain ran through my chest. Albert was outside of his pub, painting the sign that hung to the left of the door. Seeing him had me thinking about my night with Molly when she was in Devon.

Fuck. Is everything going to have me thinking of her?

I felt like an idiot school boy, lost in the heartbreaks of love, and yet we’d never been more than quick friends and lovers for a night. It was a lie I was hoping that I might eventually swallow.

“Hi, sir. It’s Sicily. I’m sorry to bother you, but you were due in the conference room about five minutes ago. I was just making sure you were all right.”

I glanced down at my watch and then to my phone, not answering her. “Buggar!” I let out a long sigh and put the phone to my ear. “I set my watch wrong this morning. I’d taken it with me to the States and haven’t worn this one since then. Please let them know that I’m on my way and do give my sincerest apologies. I’ll make it up to them.”

“No need for all of that, sir. I was just worried. I’ll go down there now and let them know. Please do be safe.” She sounded far too jolly for my mood.

“Thank you, Sicily.” I dropped the call and leaned up, patting the back of the driver’s seat. “I need you to step on it this morning. I’m late for a meeting.”

“Of course, sir.” He nodded and pressed the gas to the floor.

Leaning back, I let my thoughts race through all of the possible turns my life might have taken if Molly had I had somehow ended up together. It was silly and trite, but fuck if I didn’t want the possibility to at least still exist.

“We’re here, sir.” The car jerked to a halt, and I realized I’d gotten lost in my daydreams somewhere along the way.

“Thank you.” I got out and jogged to the front of the building as the wind blew around me. Some part of me wanted to pause and simply enjoy it. No time for anything, especially the simple things in life.

I walked in and made my way to the elevator, checking out my phone the entire way up to my floor just to ensure I didn’t have to speak to anyone.

Sicily met me in my office as I walked in and dropped my stuff. “What can I do for you?”

“Nothing. Thanks for updating the staff.” I grabbed my notebook and walked around her. “Make sure you block out a little bit of time after this meeting so that I can get my thoughts together in peace.”

“Of course, sir, and bravo!” She moved up beside me, a smile on her face.

“What’s that for?” I paused just outside of the conference room and turned to look at her.

“For you having a very successful launch on the latest project. We’ve had calls all week with new investors wanting investment p

ackets and old investors wanting to send over plants and sporting event tickets.” She beamed. “You probably want to—”

“Want to what?”

She reached up and pulled my sunglasses from my face, frowning a little as she did. “Alfie. Are you okay?”

“I’m great, just tired.” I took the glasses before reaching out to open the door. “You know we cannot accept any of those gifts, right? Conflict of interest.”

“I know.” She smiled. “You’ve been my boss for a long time, and your father was my boss before that. I kind of got it down.”

“Of course you do. Forgive me.” I gave her a tight smile before opening the door and walking in.

Everyone glanced my way and stood, clapping and letting out a few hoots and hollers. I forced a smile, though I felt like shit about it. Yes, the new product was my baby, and it was being received very well all over the world, but the plan to get it there all belonged to Molly.

The idea of everyone giving me credit for the success left my stomach sick. I walked to the front of the room and sat my stuff down before lifting a hand.

“All right. Thank you very much. As you all know, these sorts of things are a team effort. We all did our part, and I’m grateful to have you here on my team.” I turned and walked to the white board. “Let’s launch into what we do next. Putting a product on the market is only part of the fun. We need our long-term marketing plan to keep people interested and buying.”

I moved into a half-hour presentation on how we were going to take Molly’s launch strategy and spread it out to other potential buyers. It took all I had within me to get through it. The woman probably had no damn clue just how tightly she’d wrapped herself around my heart. I ached all over with the need to see her…fuck, just to hear her voice.

“I have a question, Alfie.” Bill stood, and I lifted my hand again.

“I appreciate that, but I’m not feeling too well, all of a sudden. Let’s pick this back up after I grab something to eat and take a breather.” I touched my chest, forced a tight smile and walked out with my things tucked under my arm.