"I've read the business proposals and the projected plan for what you intend to do," she said. "I'll fund the initial manufacturing costs. My only stipulation is that you make peace with your father."

"What?" I said looking at her shocked by everything she was saying. "How did you get the business plan?"

"I have my ways," she smiled. "Do we have a deal?"

"No way," I said shaking my head. "I'm not making peace with that son of a bitch."

Like lightening, my mother slapped my face so hard I dropped the glass I was holding.

"Don't you ever speak of your father in such a crude way again," she warned. "I won't have it. He may be a difficult person, but he's still your father. Now, do we have a deal or not?"

"I have to get down to Corner Grove to make the sales pitch tomorrow morning," I said. "Can you get a car for me?"

"What about my stipulation?"

"If you can get me to Corner Grove by this evening, and I can make my pitch in the morning, then I'll come back and make peace with the old man," I said grudgingly.

"Consider it done," my mother smiled.

Chapter Forty-Three


When the car I'd hired pulled into the drive that evening, all the lights in the house were burning brightly, and as I stepped out on to the gravel, I could smell the scent of pot roast and pie wafting from the kitchen. I smiled as I grabbed my bag and walked up the front steps calling, "Hey, Danny, Honor, Verity, I'm home!"

No one answered, but I heard voices in the kitchen so I dropped my bags at the door and went to join them.

"Hey, you guys, what are you—" I stopped abruptly as I saw Adam sitting at the table showing Verity how to navigate an iPad and Honor laughed loudly and Danny signed advice.

"Grace!" Honor shouted as she hopped up from the table and ran toward me. "You're home!"

"What's going on?" I asked hugging my sister as I tried to maintain a calm outward appearance. I could feel Adam staring at me, but I avoided his gaze as I smiled at my family.

"Adam bought Verity an iPad so that she could stay in contact with us when we go back to the city," Honor said. "He's trying to show her how to use it, but she's a little behind the tech curve."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Verity laughed as she looked down at the screen and timidly tapped something. "I'm new to the tech world, give me a little bit of a break."

"What's this ‘we’ business?" I said looking down at Honor.

"I want to go with you, Grace," she whispered. "I can't stay here. Please?"

"We'll discuss it," I said, kissing her forehead before turning my attention to Adam. "So, you brought technology to the Amish, did you?"

"I just thought it was a good idea to give her a way to communicate with you, if she needed to," Adam said looking at me and then quickly turning his attention back to the tablet. "She can keep it tucked away for emergencies."

"Aren't you the great, white savior from the big city?" I said trying not to sound bitter, but failing miserably.

"Grace, are you okay?" Verity said looking up from the tablet. "You sound mad."

"Mad? Oh no, why would I be mad?" I asked. "What reason on earth would I have to be mad?"

"Grace?" Danny signed with a concerned look on his face. Everyone in the room went silent and all eyes were on me.

"You want to tell them or should I?" I asked looking straight at Adam.

"They already know," he said quietly.