“I’m good. I’ll just grab Molly and be back in a jiffy.”

“Yes, sir.” He nodded at me as I climbed out of the car and walked up to the door.

Flowers. Fuck. I should have gotten her flowers or something. I rolled my eyes and knocked on the door, forcing myself to chill the fuck out. Molly and I had spent two weeks playing house in Devon and another week missing each other like crazy. I’d been buried balls deep in her body and was willing to talk about moving our relationship forward.

I had nothing to be nervous about.

As Peyton pulled the door open, my stomach lurched. I turned and pretended to be communicating with the driver. He rolled his window down with a confused look on his face.

“Do you need me, sir?” he asked.

“No, but thank you so much.” I turned back to Peyton and swallowed my nerves. “Hey again.”

“Hi, Alfie. Come on in.” She moved back, but craned her neck to see the driver or maybe the car. “Wow. You’re going in style tonight.”

“Not sure about style, but comfort, absolutely.” I walked in and stopped short as Molly pulled a small suitcase behind her. The tight black dress she had on left my cock standing up and begging for her attention. “Wow. Damn, love. You look like a goddess.”

“Thanks.” Her cheeks burned pink as she moved to stand in front of me. “I wanted to be pretty for you.”

“Well, you outdid yourself.” I took the bag from her and leaned down to kiss her a few times as I studied her beautiful face. She would be my wife. I had no doubt about it. I was a smart man and knew when I was getting a deal.

She was the bargain of a lifetime.

“All right, you two. Get out and have a good time.” Peyton stood at the door, offering me a cheeky grin. I could easily see why she and Molly were friends. Logan would think something of Peyton. I wasn’t willing to meddle in anyone’s love affairs, but maybe a subtle word or two to Molly, and maybe she would set the two of them up.

“Let’s go.” Molly took my hand, and I led us back out into the street. She and Peyton said another goodbye as I walked to the back of the car and put the suitcase in the trunk.

The driver gave me a look. “I would have done that for you, sir.”

“No bother. We’re good.” I walked around and opened the door for my girl. “My lady.” I bowed a little, and Molly giggled before climbing into the car. Her legs were toned and sexy, and I found myself reaching up to loosen my tie. She had my blood pumping hard, and I was starting to sweat a little.

She was far too much woman for a simple chap like me, but I wasn’t complaining. I’d made due and try to become the kind of man that left her knees weak.

“I’m not the only one that looks good.” She snuggled up beside me as I got into the car and the driver shut the door. I wrapped an arm around her narrow shoulders and leaned down to kiss her pretty pink lips.

“I’ve got nothing on you, beautiful.” I kissed her again and wanted to deepen it, but I knew better. We had dinner plans at a nice restaurant. She wouldn’t want to go in with her lips red and puffy, and her face flushed from me half-humping her in the back of the limo.

“So, where are we headed?” She moved back a little and took a shaky breath. By the look of the vein pumping like crazy on the side of her neck, I wasn’t the only one who was turned on.

“There’s a nice steak and seafood restaurant in the hotel. I thought that might be nice.” I moved my arm from around her shoulders and took her hand.

She tugged our intertwined fingers into her lap to rest on her mound. I gave her a warning look.

“What?” she asked innocently. I’d taken her in the ass back at Devon. Innocent wasn’t part of her persona, and I loved her for it.

“Such a bad girl. You already have me hard as a rock and my heart trying to beat its fucking way outta my chest.” I licked my lips. “Good thing the hotel is just down the road.”

“Why’s that?” she said breathlessly.

“Because I’d devour you if I had time.” I let my eyes run around her face and seriously thought ab

out skipping the meal. We could talk after sex. Hell, we could eat after sex.

“I like the sound of that.” She reached up and touched the side of my face. “Dinner. Bath. Sex.”

“All night long.” I leaned down and jacked up her lipstick. She might be embarrassed and have to fix it, but it was well worth it.

We both thought so.