"Oh, Grace," Verity said shaking her head. A sad smile crossed her lips as she said, "There's nothing that anyone could do that would keep Levi and I from marrying. We're meant to be together. He knows it, and I know it. Our bond isn't so fragile that it could be broken by an act of Christian charity."

"But the community will talk," I said. "Faith and Hope will talk."

"They mean well, Grace," she said smiling at me. "I understand their fear, but I don't share it. Mr. Wallace is welcome to stay here until he recovers and gets his car back. No matter what anyone says."

"How do you do it, Verity?" I asked looking at my younger sister with awe and admiration.

"Do what?"

"How do you stay so calm and kind when people are threatening to try and ruin something that matters so much to you?" I asked.

"It's God's will," she said calmly. "I trust in God and I know that when I follow the path He lays for me, it will all work out the way it's supposed to. It's trust, Grace."

"Are you saying that I'm not trusting?" I said suddenly feeling defensive.

"I'm not saying anything about you," she smiled. "I love you, Grace. You're my sister and part of my heart, but me following my own path is about me and my relationship with God, not about you or what you choose to do."

"I know, but..." I said deflating a bit as I understood the point she was making.

"But nothing," Verity replied softly patting my shoulder. "Just because you chose a different path doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. It's just right for you. We each have to make that decision, and Mamm and Dat tried the best they could to prepare us for that; don't you understand, Grace?"

"I do, but the pressure from all sides," I sighed as I felt my emotions welling up again. "I don't know what to do, Verity. I'm trying to make everyone happy and make sure everyone has what they need. There's so much going on with the store, the farm, you and Honor and Danny, and then there's my job in the city..."

"Grace, slow down and think about this," she said as she turned back to the bowl of batter she was beating. "Maybe the problem is that you're not listening to the only person who really matters."

"I know, I know," I said cutting the melon into slices. "I should listen to God and hear what He says."

"No, I don't think that's the answer for you," Verity replied. "You need to listen to the voice inside of you. What is it telling you?"

"It's telling me not to give in to the pressure to kick Adam out!" I said stubbornly. "It's telling me to figure out a solution that puts the store and the farm in the black and gives you and the rest what you need to keep living however you choose to live!"

I was on a roll as I angrily cut into a second melon and dumped the guts and juice into the sink with the remains of the first one. I sliced as I continued listing the things my inner voice was telling me to do until I finally ended the list with an emotional plea, "It's telling me I want to go home to Chicago and back to my life in the city, but that makes me feel guilty for leaving you all here without Mamm and Dat!"

"So, who asked you to sacrifice anything for us?" Honor said as she pulled open the back door and stepped inside. She was carrying a basket full of fresh eggs and a half full bucke

t of milk, which she set next to the counter before putting the eggs in the strainer next to the sink. "We didn't ask you to give up anything, Grace, but you make it sound like you're the only one who can somehow rescue us."

"Wait a minute!" I said setting the knife down and turning toward her. "I didn't say that! I was just answering Verity's question about what my inner voice was telling me to do."

"Honor! Grace!" Verity said sharply. "There's no reason to fight; we're all on the same side. We just need to figure out what needs to be done so that we can all do what it is we need to do."

"How come no one ever asks me that question?" Honor said as the stomped to the back door and pushed it open. "No one ever asked me what I wanted to do. You all just expect that I'll be here taking care of the animals and watching over Danny, but you never ask me anything about what I want!"

In a flash, she darted out the back door and ran toward the barn. I looked at Verity and she nodded as she turned off the gas on the stove, wiped her hands, and followed Honor out to the barn.

"Dammit!" I swore once she was out of earshot.

"You okay, Grace?" Adam asked. Startled, I gasped and jumped away from the counter as I turned and saw him standing framed in the kitchen doorway. His hair was tousled and he had a sleepy look on his face that told me we'd most likely woken him up.

"I'm sorry, we were having a family discussion that got a little heated," I said reluctantly pulling my gaze away from his handsome face. "Did we wake you?"

"No, actually I have been awake for a few hours," he said. "I was going to get up and start breakfast, but I had no idea where to begin."

"Probably better that you didn't mess with Verity's territory," I said, giving him a playful grin which he quickly returned before he looked away. I couldn't read his face and I wasn't sure if he was embarrassed about the night before or if I'd hurt his feelings when I'd pulled back. I wanted to ask, but I was afraid of what his answer would be.

"Grace, are you sure..." he began as Danny came bounding down the stairs and entered the kitchen signing his apologies that he'd overslept.

"I'll go milk the cows," he signed as he fastened his suspenders to his pants.