I scooped up a piece of crispy bacon to set it on a paper towel in front of her. “Eat up. You’re the one t

hat wanted to spend the day shopping. You know I’m broke as can be.”

“Broke is relative. We’ll go in a few hours. I said I wanted to sleep in, too.” She picked up the bacon and grumbled, “More.”

“I know,” I said, and poured her a cup of coffee before dropping a few more pieces of bacon in front of her. “I have a huge favor to ask of you besides everything else you have done to help me.”

“What’s that?” Peyton asked.

“I need to borrow a dress for tomorrow night,” I said. “Something simple, but sexy that goes with ballerina flats.”

Peyton’s lips curled up into a small smile. “Ah, that’s right. You’re spending the night with Alfie tomorrow night.”

“And Harry has all my clothes,” I added, bitterly. “I wouldn’t put it past him to be holding my boxes of clothes hostage at the flat in London.”

“I wouldn’t doubt it either. No worries. I can find something for you to wear that’ll make an impression on Alfie.” She winked roguishly. “Count on that. We’re still going out though to do some shopping.”

“Window shopping for me,” I corrected, sipping at my coffee. “I don’t have much money left in my account, other than that what I have to live off for a moment, so I need to save up. Besides, I figure I’ll just borrow something of yours, and with any hope, it won’t be on me too long anyway.”

She snorted and stood. “All right. I’ll go get ready, and we’ll leave right after we eat.”

“You sure?” Excitement bubbled through me as I nibbled on a piece of bacon and leaned against the counter nearest the stove. I didn’t want to mess up her only sleep-in day, but I was a bundle of nerves. Being left with my thoughts wasn’t doing anyone any favors, least of all me.

“Yeah, I’m sure. It’s been a while since you’ve been free thanks to Harry eating up all of your time with various errands and business event bullshit. I need to take advantage of it.” She snatched another piece of bacon and walked to her room.

“Awww… You love me,” I called after her as a smile spread across my face.

“You knew this. Why else would I put up with you?”

“Because I’m the only one that puts up with you?”

Her laugh caused the day to seem a little bit brighter. She was like the sister I never had. I’d just finished plating up our breakfast when she walked out and dropped down at the kitchen table in front of hers.

“Does Alfie know that you can cook this good?” She picked up her fork and took a bite of the eggs I scrambled for her.

“Yeah. I made him my famous shrimp scampi.” I wagged my eyebrows, sat down, and started to work on my breakfast too.

“Oh, no. He’ll be popping the question soon.” She buttered her toast and glanced back at me as I stayed silent. “Too soon?”

“For the question, or you teasing me about it?” I took a drink of my orange juice and tried to decide what my answer would be to either.

“Both?” She took a big bite, sprinkling toast crumbs all over her blouse.

“I don’t know. You teasing me is whatever.” I waved my hand around as if it were no big deal, because it wasn’t. She didn’t mean any harm. “I really thought things would somehow straighten out with me and Harry.”

“Do you miss him?” she asked me earnestly.

“No. Not in the slightest.” I used my fork to push a few eggs into my toast before folding it over and eating it like a sandwich while I thought.

“Do you miss Alfie?”

“Yeah.” I chewed and sat back, nodding. “A lot. I keep thinking that things between us are moving too fast, but I don’t have a doubt at all about how I feel. It just seems like I feel it way too soon. Especially considering the situation.”

“Right, but he saved you.” She shrugged and glanced down to her food. “It makes sense. You were in need and having one of the most horrible times of your adult life, and he stepped in and offered you sanctuary. He’s a bit of a hero.”

“I hadn’t thought about it like that, but honestly, you’re right. He is a hero to me.” I finished eating and stood. “You ready to get this show on the road?”

“Yep, and we’re going to look for a dress.” She held up her hand as I started to protest. “I’m paying. I didn’t get to get you a birthday present a few months back, remember?”