While I finished rereading the Harvard study and making notes on the plans, Bugsy called around and found a bar in the South Loop that was willing to host the festivities. In true Bugsy fashion, he arranged for everything to be ready to go in a short period of time, and then winked at me as he finished his last call.

"Let's go have a sauna at the club and then grab some dinner," he said as he tucked the phone in his front pocket and motioned toward the door. "Tonight we're going to let it all hang out, my good friend! We’ve got ten days until you’ve got to get out and sell, sell, sell! Let’s make the most of it!"

I knew from experience that this statement could have many different meanings, but I'd also learned that it was usually better not to try and anticipate what they might be.


"Will you look at that?" Bugsy said as he flashed me a cat-that-ate-the-canary grin. When we pulled up at the front door of Blast, Bugsy's nightclub of choice, there was a line stretching out almost two blocks. Club kids dressed in a wide array of designer clothes texted each other as they waited to find out if they'd be deemed worthy of entry.

"This is insane!" I said as Bugsy tossed the keys to his black Audi R8, a graduation gift from his parents, to the valet and warned him not to scratch it.

"It's a great turn out," Bugsy said scanning the line and quickly identifying several scantily clad young women that he wanted let in immediately. He indicated which girls he had chosen and the bouncer sent a liaison out into the crowd to fetch them as he waved us in.

Inside, the club was pounding with a beat provided by Kygo, an EDM DJ that Bugsy had asked to fly in and oversee the night's dance music. The disco ball above the dance floor spun in time to the music, shooting out short bursts of light to the beat. As the expensively dressed bodies writhed on the dance floor below us, Bugsy popped the cork on a bottle of Cristal and quickly poured the golden liquid into flutes, offering one to each of the pretty ladies who'd been ushered onto the private balcony overlooking the dance floor.

"To new ventures and new acquaintances!" Bugsy shouted holding his glass up in a triumphant toast. "May we live like kings!"

I gave my friend a wide grin as I tapped my glass against his and then drank deeply from it before turning my attention to a beautiful redhead in an emerald-green dress that looked like little more than a handkerchief. She smiled at me over the edge of her glass and then suggestively licked her brightly painted lips after she finished drinking.

I was mesmerized by her green eyes and her voluptuous body, and before I knew it, we were headed for the dance floor where she cast a magical spell as she pressed her body against mine as we spent the next several hours engaging dancing with and grinding against one another to the beat of the music.

On the last trip back up the stairs to the balcony, I took her hand and pulled her into a side room off one of the landings. I knew these rooms well because the club had specifically remodeled them to serve as convenient spots for quickies between club goers. Formerly supply storage closets, the rooms now had low lighting and plenty of space, and more importantly, they kept the bathrooms free of the less savory activities that tended to require police intervention.

"In here," she said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the room, closing the door behind us. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me toward her for a deep kiss as she pressed her body against mine. She was aggressive, but I liked that and I followed her lead. When she moved my hands to her shoulders I slipped the thin straps of her dress off and slid them down to expose her large, heavy breasts. She smiled as she wiggled the dress down over her hips and stepped out of it. Clad only in her strappy high heels, she unzipped my pants as she leaned forward and lightly bit my bottom lip before dropping to her knees and taking the entire length of my shaft in her mouth.

"Wait, wait," I gasped.

"What's wrong?" she said looking up at me as she stuck her lip out and gave me a faux pout. "Don't you want me to?"

"No, I do, I just..." I began as she leaned forward and deep throated me again.

I groaned loudly as I slid my fingers deep into her thick hair and pulled it away from her lovely face so I could watch her as she licked and sucked her way from tip to base, stopping only long enough to run her tongue around the edge and lap up the liquid that already oozed from the tip. She smiled as she looked up at me and took my entire shaft deep into the back of her throat where she held it for a moment before pulling back and teasing me with her tongue.

"Oh my God, baby," I groaned as she sucked harder and moved her mouth faster. I hear her moaning as she moved her mouth up and down, and I couldn't stop myself from holding the back of her head and thrusting deeper into her mouth. She moaned loudly and nodded frantically as I moved my hips back and forth, using her mouth and feeling her lips pulling me closer and closer to an intense climax.

An instant later, I exploded and felt the redhead stop moving as I throbbed and jerked in her mouth. As the waves of pleasure flowed over my body, I sagged against the wall and looked down. The girl's green eyes looked up at me as she flashed me a sexy grin. I reached down and pulled her up off her knees and kissed her deeply before asking, "Now, what can I do for you?"

"Oh, nah, I'm good," she said as she tipped her head sideways and smiled. "Bugsy paid me up front, so it's all good! Is there anything else you want? He told me the sky was the limit!"

The pleasure I'd felt suddenly sunk into my gut and twisted like a knot as I realized what had happened. I forced a smile as I shook my head and said tersely, "I'm good. Thank you." The redhead grabbed her dress off the floor and quickly slipped it over her head then leaned over and kissed me before pulling the door open and heading back into the club. I followed her as soon as I'd put a lid on my anger.

I found Bugsy in the balcony surrounded by a circle of stunners. He was entertaining them with a few of the lame magic tricks he'd learned specifically for this purpose.

"I need to talk to you," I growled as I motioned toward the hallway. He followed me after assuring the girls that he'd be right back.

"What's up?" Bugsy asked as he flipped a quarter with one hand.

"You paid that girl to have sex with me?"

"Yeah, so?"

"You son of a bitch," I said as I grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him against the wall. "You don't think I can get my own women? You're such an asshole!"

"Hey, hey, hey, the watch the suit," Bugsy said not at all concerned about the fact that his best friend and business partner was extremely angry with him. "Look, I know you can get your own women. You've done it a million times. It's been a rough day and I just thought I'd grease the wheel and make sure there weren't any loose strings that would interfere with our business right now."

"Fuck you, Bugsy," I grumbled as I let go of him. "I don't need your fucking charity!"

"It's not charity, Adam," he said calmly. "It's just good business. Neither one of us can afford to have a woman interfering with our business right now. Keep it simple and straight forward and you can still get your rocks off, you just won't get trapped in something that will distract you."