“Yes, and I need you here for this. Otherwise, I’m just some crazy person who is kissing and licking himself in bed – and that would just be weird.”

“You’re right, that would be weird,” she finally gave in and relaxed into the bed.

“Please tell me you have condoms here,” I asked as I realized I had not come prepared, at all.

“Of course, they are right there in the drawer,” she leaned over and opened her bedside table.

“I was not expecting that,” I said in total shock. “I think you have a better supply than I do. Wait, I know you have a better supply than I do.”

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not having that much sex. My girlfriends just gave me a ton of condoms last year when we went to a bachelorette party. They had decided it was time for me to move on and thought it would be funny to give me all of these. I’ve got flavored ones, glow in the dark ones, and condoms of all sizes.”

I had to laugh at her friends, and I was pretty damn thankful they had supplied Del with the necessary protection we needed for our morning of fun. I reached into the drawer and pulled out a purple condom.

“I guess we’re doing it with purple today.”

“It is one of my favorite colors.”

As my lips pressed against hers, I felt the softness of her love wrap around me. Slowly my thrusts grew inside of her, and I relished in the sound of her desire for me. With each stroke of my body, Del was welcoming more and more of me. Together, as our bodies thrust and moved, we found a new confidence in our relationship.

I grew harder as I thrust and her voice drove me to deliver more and more to her. I loved how vocal she was that morning, how she let herself go and screamed when my final thrust entered her. This was what love making was supposed to be like. No concern for what the other thought, just two people giving each other as much pleasure as they could possibly give.

We wrapped our morning up with a quick shower and some eggs in her kitchen. It was relaxing to be at Del’s house instead of mine, and I couldn’t wait to do it again sometime very soon.

“I’ll call you later today when I have more information. I’m meeting with my ex-wife first and going to try and figure out what she knows. Then Josh, Billy, Dick, and I will put together a plan to bring this all to an end.”

“I want to be involved in the plan if you need me. I’m willing to do whatever is needed. I feel so bad about letting that guy come use my computer at work. I should have insisted on doing the work myself. I’m really sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. We have it figured out now and soon it will all be over. Please don’t beat yourself up too much about it. He was really convincing and really scary.”

“Okay, I’ll try not to, but you call me later and fill me in on everything. Understood?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said as I playfully saluted her.

I made my way over to my lawyer’s office so Josh, Billy, Dick, and I could all share the information we had so far and what we could do next. As much as I wanted to storm over to Rose’s house and punch Carlos in the face, I knew that wasn’t the best solution. If I did that, I would look like the maniac ex-husband who was a

ttacking him for no reason. No, I needed all the evidence before I put a plan into action.

“So, what were you two able to figure out last night?”

“First of all, in case there was any question about it, I did confirm that Carlos Rodriguez does not work for the SEC,” Billy said as he slid a folder across the desk toward me. “I also confirmed that his real name is actually Carlos Ramirez, and he’s been arrested a half dozen times for fraud in three other states.”

“I knew there was something wrong with that guy!”

“Brandon, there’s more than one thing wrong with him. Not only does he have a history of fraud charges, his brother was recently released from prison after serving twenty years for murder.”

“This is his brother,” Josh burst out loudly and slid a picture across the table to me. “The giant neck dude!”

“Wow, now this is getting crazy. Do we know if Rose is involved or not? My gut is saying she has no idea what’s happening. What do you all think?”

“She doesn’t know. I’m almost certain of it,” Dick said as he joined the conversation. “I talked to her attorney early this morning. Apparently, Carlos came in with Rose and they had a document saying that you had gifted her ten percent of your company when you divorced and you never paid her for it.”

“What? No, you know that’s not true. You handled the divorce.”

“Her attorney was concerned, but the document seemed legal and Rose said Carlos had found it in a box in the garage. I think their intention was to get you to pay for that ten percent. Perhaps Carlos had frozen your bank accounts as insurance for the payment he was going to have Rose ask you for.”

“But Rose got a huge settlement when we divorced,” I said. “She was happy with it. We didn’t have any issues.”

“It’s possible Carlos has been in her head and filling it with ideas that you tried to trick her. Look what happened with Delilah; it’s very easy to get things twisted around when you don’t have all the details. I think you should talk to her,” Dick said.