“I don’t know. I didn’t ask.” I dipped my spoon in the sugary glaze that leaked from the pie and licked at it. “It doesn’t really matter if he did, right?”

She huffed. “Are you kidding me? Of course it matters. If he has any ethics at all, he would have given you credit.”

“Maybe he did.” I took a bite of the pie and nodded. “This is amazing. I need the recipe.”

“It’s easy.” She tilted her head to the side as her eyes narrowed a little. “Maybe he didn’t give you credit, and you asking about it had him feeling like shit about it.”

“Peyton. Drop it. Please. I just want to enjoy my delicious dessert and go to bed.”

“All right. All right.” She lifted her free hand in a sign of surrender. “I’ll drop it, but guys don’t just act strange for no reason.”

“I know…that’s our lot in life.”

We shared a laugh and ate more pie than should have been legal. I laid in bed a little while later with the same thought running through my head.

Did I care if he gave me credit or not?

No. Yes. Maybe.

Fuck. I did care.

Chapter Twenty-Five


I felt like shit over the way the night ended with Molly, but I couldn’t help it. I felt so horrible for not giving her credit, but I was stuck. It was a place I hated to be both in my personal life and in my business. Now, thanks to the situation, the two overlapped, leaving me feeling like an unethical asshole.

There’s no way in the world I should have shut down like I did at our dinner. She’d taken me somewhere special and brought a few of her favorite treats to share with me. I didn’t deserve it. None of it. And I sure as fuck didn’t deserve her. My nefarious thoughts kept me up late into the night, but just before four, I finally passed out.

Something cold nudged me in the cheek the following morning. Half asleep, I grabbed a hold of the cold object that was nudging me in the cheek. It tried to tug away from my grasp.

“Let go,” Logan said. “These golf clubs are expensive, man. I don’t want your dirty fingerprints all over them.”

I opened my eyes to glare up at him. “You should’ve thought about that before putting the club in my face.” I took in his neatly pressed clothes—a polo shirt and pressed khakis—with an arched eyebrow. “I take it we are going to go golfing while I have some time off?”

“You guessed correctly.” Logan grinned excitedly, and he poked me in the side with his golf club. “I have to take advantage of your day off somehow. When is the last time we spent some time on the green together?”

I couldn’t even remember the last time I had picked up a golf club. It’d been at least a couple of years since I had enjoyed a day to myself without having to worry about some sort of meeting to get to.

“I can’t even remember,” I said. “Give me a few minutes to get showered and dressed.”

Logan nodded as he retreated from the side of my bed. “Hurry though. I don’t plan on waiting all day long for you.”

“Just a couple of minutes,” I promised.

I waited until Logan closed the bedroom door before I shoved the blankets back from my body. I glanced down at my phone to check for messages, but there was nothing. My fingers lingered over my phone as I debated on calling Molly to just hear her voice. She had taken me to a very personal spot of hers in the city, so personal that not even Harry had been there, and I’d ruined it in some ways.

I needed to forgive myself for fucking up and get over it. She hadn’t asked for credit, and I couldn’t let this thing eat me alive. It would jack up the beautiful relationship we had. Fuck it. I was done worrying about it unless she brought it up again. Period. I’d spend the day enjoying some much needed R&R with Logan and then tomorrow night I’d make love to her until she couldn’t stand up straight.

Friday night. I couldn’t wait until Friday night. It’d been over a week now since I had felt Molly’s slender legs wrapped about my waist, or her body squirming beneath mine in pleasure.

Twisting the shower faucet on, I glanced down at my hardened erection straining against the fabric of my underwear. I sighed inwardly. It was going to take a few long minutes in the shower to be able to concentrate throughout the day with Logan on the golf course.

Pleasure radiated up my spine when I let my fingers brush against myself at the thought of Molly arching up against me. I released a few minutes later with a groan of relief with the spray of hot water hitting me squarely in the chest. At least I would be able to concentrate throughout tomorrow morning as well without feeling my body ache in anticipation for the night with Molly.

Logan was standing impatiently in the kitchen when I walked in a few minutes later. He handed a cup of coffee over to me wordlessly.

“You take forever,” he said, shaking his head. “I don’t want to know what you were doing in the shower.”