The longer she stayed silent, the more I screamed inside. It was too early. I had been stupid. What could I possibly do or say that would fix this?

“I think our angels did pretty good fixing the two of us up,” Del said as she leaned up onto my chest and I saw the tears in her eyes.

Chapter Fifteen


His warm breath moved gently on the back of my neck as I stayed as close to him as my body would allow. Perfection was the only way to describe our time together. Any other word seemed to minimize the emotions and feelings that had overcome me the night before.

We were both a little broken, but we were there together and making each other just a little happier. Neither of us could guarantee the happiness of the other, but it was clear something was brewing between us – something stronger than I had been prepared for and more powerful that I think Brandon had intended, as well. Then again, you just couldn’t plan emotions, and I knew that better than most people.

After losing my husband, I had tried to plan and control everything around me. I was intent on making sure no unforeseen issues took over my life ever again. Yet I couldn’t plan everything, and the more I tried, the more stressed out I became. Losing someone you cared about so deeply did some crazy things to the way you coped with the world and I was living proof of that.

Up until I had connected with Brandon, I wasn’t sure there was a man in this world who I would be willing to allow a connection with again. I knew there were others who had loss, of course, but what was going on between Brandon and I was more special than I could have ever planned for.

I relished the feeling of his arms around me as I held onto his hands and refused to move from his bed. It was the weekend and I didn’t have to get Connor until after noon, so I was content to soak in the love that I felt right there in Brandon’s arms.

“You awake?” he asked as he started to stir behind me.


“Me neither.”

“I think we can stay here for a few more hours.”

“I’m running to the bathroom, but I’ll be right back,” he said and then pulled his warmth away from me and took off.

I took the opportunity to find my purse and check my messages. Even though I knew Connor was in good hands, it always made me feel better to know that no one had tried to call me and I hadn’t missed anything really important.

My phone was blissfully silent with only one message from Mattie talking about how Markus was trying to win her back. I had been afraid that he would try to do something like that and I really thought she wouldn’t fall for it, but historically, she had given in when he wanted to get back together. For such a strong and independent woman, it baffled me how she was willing to go back to Markus over and over again. She didn’t seem to value herself enough not to let that guy go.

While I waited for Brandon to come out of the bathroom, I took the opportunity to glance at my email. Typically on weekends, my inbox was filled with junk from sales pages and shops I frequented, but one message stood out. I clicked the message as I looked over toward the bathroom and tried to figure out what was going on.


I’m using you as an alibi while I commit illegal activities.

My heart sank as I read the message. Obviously, it wasn’t actually from Brandon; it had been sent in the middle of the night while the two of us were together. Plus, it wasn’t likely a person would warn me about actions he was committing himself. The only thing I could think of was that there indeed was a hacker and I had not completely kicked them out.

I scrambled to find my dress and gather my things so I could head into the office. If I had received this message, it was entirely possible that other clients were getting scary messages, as well. This could be detrimental to the company and I felt at risk of losing my job over it for sure.

“You’re leaving?” Brandon said as he stood in the bathroom doorway with a towel wrapped around him.

I heard the shower in the background and saw one of the largest showers I’d ever seen before in my life. The floor-to-ceiling tiles filled a ten-foot area that had both a rainforest showerhead above and massaging shower heads on the wall. It was one of those showers that I suspected had been in a magazine before and I really would have loved to spend a nice long hour feeling that water beat down on my muscles.

“Look at this.”

I handed him my phone as I tried to zip up my dress and grab my shoes all at the same time. There was no time to waste: I had to get this mess fixed before I lost my job. As fun as it was to hang out with Brandon, I had a son and a house and bills that I needed to pay and to do that, I had to keep my job.

“Well, I was with you, so of course, I didn’t send this. Are you angry? Is that why you’re leaving?”

“No, don’t be silly. I’ve been fighting the computer programs and all these errors at work. There must have been something I missed. I need to get to work and hopefully stop this from happening to anyone else. I’m really confused, maybe there’s a virus or something… I just don’t know what’s going on.”

“Don’t go. I need to tell you something,” Brandon said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the small bench at the end of his bed.

The serious look on his face instantly had me worried that something in the message had been truthful. It couldn’t be, though; I knew Brandon and he wasn’t the type of guy who did illegal things – or at least I didn’t think he was. The more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn’t know as much about him as I thought I did.

“What’s going on?”