“Oh, I’m happy to help,” she said softly.

Her hips pressed up in the air and urged me to pull at her panties. Of course, I had to comply. My free hand quickly rid her of her undergarments, and I moved my mouth to her center to deliver the pleasure I’d wanted to give her for days.

Her body wiggled beneath the power of my tongue, but I didn’t slow down. I didn’t give in to the moans or screams of pleasure that she released. My mission was to deliver her the most mind-blowing oral experience she had ever had. I pulled out every trick I knew: the fingers, the tongue, the flicking and licking of every secret spot. By the time I was done with her, I wanted to feel her legs shaking around my ears, and I would feel that because I didn’t give up until I got my result.

Her whole body quivered with ecstasy and she grabbed my hair tightly as she rode the wave of pleasure. Over and over again, she gave in to the feelings and moaned out with such delight that I smiled while I made her night. Every orgasm I delivered brought me real happiness.

This wasn’t just some girl I was trying to please enough for me to get what I wanted. She was different. I was different when I was with her. I wanted her pleasure. The goal wasn’t the end game of me getting something – the goal was her and I had her right there in my bed.

“Oh…no…I can’t take it,” she moaned as another wave of pleasure rushed through her body.

“I can stop.”

“Don’t you dare,” she said forcefully as she held my head in place with her hand and refused to let go.

I did as I was told and stayed there for what seemed like hours as I made her legs quiver and her body shake with delight. When we finally both gave in to the exhaustion that had taken over, we were drenched in sweat and breathing like two people who had just run a marathon.

“I feel like this is better training for my race than my long runs,” she said breathlessly.

“You run?”

“Yeah, I’m training for a marathon.”

“Could you be any more perfect? I love running. We should go for a run together sometime.”

“I think I like this new bed training we are doing much better than running together,” she teased. “Maybe we could do a little of both?”

“Yeah, I think bed training is the newest craze. I’m sure Oprah has even talked about it. Who needs long runs, anyways? They certainly don’t keep you motivated like bed training.”

“You’re a marathon runner, right?” she asked, a little uncertain of her question.

“Yep, I’ve run a few. Is this going to be your first marathon?”

“I’ll probably die. I did a half marathon last year and it was torture, but I just don’t like the feeling of thinking that I can’t accomplish something. So, I’m going to do one marathon, and then I’m going to go back to the shorter races.”

“Del, I find it really hard to believe there is anything in this world you can’t do,” I told her as I pulled her close to me and the covers up over the top of us.

The adrenaline from our love making and the sweat that covered our bodies, had both of us shivering as we lay there talking before falling asleep. It was true, though: Del was a strong woman and I honestly thought she could do anything that she set her mind to. Even if she wanted to be a damn astronaut, I was convinced she could make it happen. Connor was lucky to have her as his mom.

“Thanks, Brandon,” she said sweetly and curled up even closer to me.

“This might not be the best time, but I just have to say that I think meeting you was exactly what I needed.”

“Yeah, horrible timing,” she teased. “I think you’re supposed to say something about how good in bed I am and how hot I look. Those kinds of things.”

“Oh, definitely hot, no question.”

“I think it was pretty good timing, too, Brandon. I wasn’t ready before this. I couldn’t have even imagined I was ready when we went on that first date, but when I’m here in your arms, it feels like a divine intervention taking place.”

The uncomfortable feeling of sharing real emotions was creeping up on me. I felt it coming and I felt myself wanting to run away. I had a choice to make right then and there: was I going to run or was I going to try and sit through the uncomfortable feelings and make a go at whatever it was that was going on between us?

“Good thing we both have our own personal angels,” I said and then held my breath.

It was a ris

k to bring up my son and her husband. It was dangerous, and I could only hope that she felt like the time was right and the moment was right, as well. She was in bed with me and I had mentioned her dead husband and my dead son.

What have I done?