“I kind of fumbled my way into the field. I’m sort of a nerd at heart and happened to pick things up rather quickly in college. I ended up helping a lot of my friends fix errors and things like that and before I knew it, I was working as an IT consultant.”

“You’re a nerd?”

“Don’t look so shocked. I actually play those war games on my phone and have a PlayStation at home.”

“What’s your favorite PS4 game?”

“Call of Duty,” she responded and totally won over my heart.

“If you are lying to me, I’ll know it,” I said as I moved my chair closer to hers so I could look her in the eyes. “Are you telling me that you actually know how to play Call of Duty?”

“Yep, and I could probably kick your ass at it,” she said as she casually took another bite of her spaghetti.

“Wow, I’m sitting here with one of the hottest moms I’ve ever met. Who can wear a bikini better than a super model, and she knows how to play Call of Duty. I’ve got to be dreaming,” I teased.

“You better be careful with all those compliments; I’m going to think you’re flirting with me.”

“Oh, I’m flirting.”

I turned toward her and pulled her chair as close to mine as I could. My hand gently moved her chin toward me, and I let my lips press against hers. She gave her lips to me fully and I felt my body spring to attention at her willingness to let my tongue slide between her lips.

I was just about to pull away from her when she wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned in closer to me. I grabbed her hips and pulled her into my lap so I could feel her bare skin pressed against mine.

Her small, bikini-clad body fit perfectly on my lap. I let my hands move up and down her as I explored her exposed skin. Our lips continued playing with each other, and it took all my willpower not to lift her up and bring her to the bedroom. The moment was gentle and genuine, though, and I didn’t want to ruin that by pushing it too far.

Kissing was enough for me. Some heavy petting would be even better, but I wasn’t going to push things. I already knew I would be seeing this girl again; there was no hurry. I was in no hurry.

“Your lips are amazing,” I muttered as I pulled away from them and started to kiss down her neck. “And, you taste amazing.”

“Salty?” she asked.

“A little.”

“Do you have a shower?”

Oh, holy hell, did she just ask me to shower with her? No, maybe she was just asking if she could use the shower? I tried not to get ahead of myself.

“Yes, I have one; the water can be cold sometimes. Do you want me to show you where it’s at?”

“Show me,” she whispered as her lips pressed against mine again.

Her arms wrapped tightly around me as I brought her to the standing position with me. I felt my body bulging out of my swimsuit and wanted to pull my hips away from her, but she pressed her body against my bulge. It was as if she relished the idea of making me so hard.

“This way,” I said as I finally pulled away and walked her toward the small bathroom. “It’s right there.”

“How does it work?” she asked from behind me.

“Turn this knob and the water comes out. It’s from a catchment, so it heats it up from the sun. Sometimes it’s nice and warm, it just depends how long it’s been in there, I think…” I stop

ped dead in my tracks as I turned around and saw she had removed her swimsuit.

“I think you should join me,” she said with a smile that controlled me.

“Yes, that’s a very good idea,” I agreed and quickly slid my trunks off and got into the shower with her.

“I’m not normally this forward,” she whispered as she pulled me into the water with her. “But I’d really like to kiss you in this shower.”

“I think that’s a great idea.”