“This is so pretty,” she said as we pulled up to Planter’s Pier.

“Not many people know this exists, but see that little island out there? We are going to swim over to it.”

“What? That looks really far away.”

“It’s not that far. Can you swim?”

“Yes, but I don’t want to be eaten by sharks, either.”

“Trust me, we won’t get eaten. It’s about 500 yards out. I could get a canoe if you’d like.”

“Promise me I won’t get eaten,” she said as she held a firm finger out toward me.

“I promise,” I said firmly. “I mean, if I’m wrong, you’ll be eaten, anyways. So, it won’t matter that I broke my promise.”

“Brandon!” she exclaimed and pushed me.

“What? It’s the truth.”

Delilah had such a beautiful energy about her, and I felt myself staring at her almost every moment. I physically had to look away just so I didn’t look like some sort of nutcase. The energy between the two of us was palpable and if it would have been acceptable, I’d probably have already kissed her.

She smiled more than most women I knew, yet she had experienced such loss. She was also extremely witty, which was a rarity. I enjoyed a good jokester and someone who could take a joke, too. Delilah seemed like just the type of woman for me.

I was going to make love to her. There was no doubt in my mind. I wasn’t going to screw this girl; when the time came, I was going to make slow, passionate love to her – something I hadn’t done that since my wife and I divorced.

I already knew that Delilah wasn’t the kind of woman I had ever dated before and that turned me on more than I thought it would. She was a real woman – kind, funny, and sweet as hell.

“Have you been out to the island before?” she asked as we finished changing into our swimsuits and walked to the end of the pier.

“Yep, lots of times. It’s my favorite place to go to think.”

“Are you sure we are allowed to go there? It seems like it’s a private island and we aren’t supposed to be there.”

“I think it will be all right.”

“I’m glad I texted my friend and told her I wasn’t coming to the gym. There’s no way I’d make it all the way out there and then back in and still want to work out.”

“Yeah, I think you’ll get enough of a workout in. Are you ready to jump?”

“It seems sort of far down. Isn’t there a ladder?” Delilah said as she looked nervously down at the water.

“We can still take the canoe if you’d like. It’s right down the beach.”

“No, I can do this,” she said as she reached for my hand and held onto it. “You don’t let go of my hand, though. If I’m getting eaten, so are you.”

“Deal,” I said as I pulled her closer to me. “Ready?”


“One, two, three, go!” I yelled as we jumped into the water.

Of course, when we hit the water, we both had to let go of our hands so we could swim. I did stay right beside her as we slowly made our way over to the island. I knew the water well and was fairly confident there weren’t sharks in this area, but I kept my eyes peeled just in case.

We took our time and stopped a couple of times when Delilah flipped over onto her back to float and rest a little. She didn’t complain, though, and quickly turned back over and continued to swim toward the island.

“Man, for a girl who works out five times a week, I feel really out of shape,” she said.

“Swimming is a total body workout and uses your lungs differently than you’re used to,” I said. “Trust me, it takes a little getting used to, Delilah.”