My thoughts forced me into a slight depression by the time I reached Gary’s large house on the outskirts of town. Being that it was Sunday, he didn’t want to haunt the office at all. It was the only day he stayed home, though the guy worked nonstop.

My depression was due to the fact that Alfie would be leaving to go back to London soon, and then what?

I rang the doorbell as I chewed on my bottom lip. How could I stop him from going back, or even better yet, could I go with him? Would he want me to?

No. I had to get my shit together before I tried to have another relationship.

“Molly!” Gary opened the door and moved back. “Come on in, girl. I can’t hide the fact that I’m a little surprised to see you.”

“Thanks, Gary.” I walked in and gave him a quick side hug. “I appreciate you seeing me. I won’t take too much of your time. I just needed to talk for a few minutes about maybe getting my old job back.”

“What? What happened to London?” He glanced down at me as we walked to the living room. “Take a load off. You want something to eat? Drink?”

“No. I’m good.” I sat down and tried not to look around the elaborate living room. His wife was an interior decorator, and the place was certainly decked out. Beautiful wouldn’t begin to describe it. “Harry slept with a few girls at the pub the night before the wedding, and my best friend caught him.” I shrugged and tried hard to hold Gary’s gaze. “It sucked like hell, but I walked. I had no choice.”

“Well, I told you that Harry was a piece of shit and that you were giving up far too much, girl.” He gave me a loving, but fatherly look. “However, I’m really sorry to hear that happened. No one deserves to be treated like that. Especially not a great girl like you.”

“Thanks.” I forced the hot ball of regret in my throat back down. “I’m here to see about getting my job back. I’m not too proud to beg if needed.”

He chuckled. “You wouldn’t need to beg, although I am still a little hurt by you leaving so fast. You didn’t even give us much notice, and you were my top marketer. Recovering from that was horrible.”

Shame raced through me, and I looked down at my hands. “I understand. I wasn’t thinking clearly. Love had me a bit blinded.”

“I should say so.” He let out a short sigh. “But… I would give you the job back in a heartbeat.”

I glanced up to thank him, not fully listening anymore. I was reliving the hell that had been my life for the last few weeks. “Really?”

“Yes, but it’s not available. I’m not sure I can co

nvince upper management to create another position, but I will let you know if something else comes up, or anyone else leaves.” I could see his regret on his face. He wanted to help me out, but his hands were tied.

“Okay. Well, if you hear of something.” I stood, not wanting to take up more of his Sunday. “Even if it’s not with you. I just need to pick up the pieces of my life and somehow get it all back together.”

“I’ll keep my ears open for you, kiddo.” He patted my back as we walked to the door. “And Molly…”

“Yes, sir?” I paused and glanced back at him.

“Promise me that the next time some of us speak wisdom to you that you’ll at least listen and chew on it. I had nothing but honesty for you when you came to see me about leaving with Harry.” He rubbed his chest. “We’ve been together since you graduated college. Your career meant and still means a lot to me.”

“I know. Thanks, Gary.” I smiled and turned to walk to the car as tears filled my eyes. I wasn’t brokenhearted about the job. I was devastated to realize what a fool I’d been.

Everyone BUT me saw that Harry was an asshole. I was blinded by something, and scarily enough, I didn’t think it was love.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Hot water trailed down the back my neck as I stood under the spray of the shower trying to mentally prepare for the day. This would be the last meeting I needed to have in the U.S. with the investors before I could return back to my life in London and Devon. While I felt a trickle of relief at the thought, now that I had Molly’s brilliant marketing plan tucked away in my briefcase, I didn’t want to leave just yet.

The investors would be pleased with the marketing idea. Running a hand over my face, I tilted my head up to let the hot water blast against my skin. I needed to do something fast to save this part of my company, but I couldn’t stop the twist of guilt in my stomach.

I had no idea what the investors would think knowing that this idea came from outside of my company, and well outside of my own marketing team back in London. They were picky about where they invested their money, and they didn’t like outsiders when it came to the dollar amounts that they willingly put into the company.

I turned the hot water off with a sigh before stepping out of the shower to enter the bedroom suite. I dressed quickly when I glanced at the clock on the bedside table. A text message alert on my phone buzzed. Heart sinking, I picked it up to read Molly’s quick and positive message: Good luck with the meeting today. Let me know how it goes! I can’t wait to see you later.

Prick. That’s all I could think as I tucked my phone into the front pocket of my shirt without bothering with a reply. I was a selfish prick for taking Molly’s marketing idea to the investors, but she hadn’t asked for credit. She was well aware of how complicated these types of matters were, but it didn’t ease up the guilt in my stomach. She had lost her job and gave up her apartment in the city for Harry. I knew, even if she didn’t mention it, that she needed a foot in the door again for her career.

I’d spent the night in the city at a fancy ass hotel just to be near downtown the next morning. It wasn’t as cozy as staying at Logan’s place, but I made due for the night.