“I’m sure Gary understood your reasons,” Peyton said, sipping at her coffee. “I mean, he knew who Harry was and that the two of you were going to most likely settle down in London.”

I tapped a finger against the side of my coffee mug. “It’s so weird to be back here in the States, too, because I thought—”

I cut myself off before it could slip out. I had hoped Alfie would ask me to stay with him at his estate. After everything that had happened between the two of us, I didn’t know what to expect from our relationship. If we could even call it a relationship, but Alfie treated it like one. His phone call on Friday night after we landed still raced through my mind. It had been so short, but incredibly sweet. It let me know quickly that he was thinking of me.

I needed to call him later that day and return the favor.

“Thought what?” Peyton asked, dragging me from my thoughts.

“Nothing,” I said, and took a long gulp of coffee. “I have to take a shower before I get this day started. The hot water should do me some good. Help me wake up.”

“You can stay here with me, Mol,” Peyton said. “I’m not kicking you out by any means. I hope you know that. It might be nice to have some extended company, especially since it’s you!”

I grasped her hand warmly with a grateful smile. “I know that. I just need my own living space. You know how I am.”

“That I do.” She got up and walked to the door. “The towels are in the cabinet just above the toilet. I’m headed to visit with my mom. You should stop by later if you’re free.”

“Thanks. I might.” I waited until she left to pull myself from the bed. I piddled around the room, choosing an outfit and drinking my coffee as my thoughts raced back to where they had been more often than not lately: Alfie.

I picked up the phone and called, hoping that I didn’t wake him.

“This is Alfie,” he said.

I smiled, unable to help myself. “Hey, you. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

He chuckled. “Be careful, love. Lest you make me feel like king of the world.”

“Cockiness does not fit your persona well.” I grabbed my clothes and walked toward the bathroom.

“My staff might disagree with that statement, but seeing that they’re not here to correct you…” He chuckled, and I joined him. There was something so comfortable and welcoming about our relationship, whatever it was.

“What’s on your agenda for today?” I closed the door behind me and stripped as best I could holding a phone. It felt a little naughty, and a part of me wanted to mention to him that I was naked while we talked, but I was being silly.

“I’m meeting for dinner with a few investors. Why? Do you have some time around lunch that you’d like to get together? I would enjoy seeing you again, Mol.” His deep voice washed over me and left my body tight, wet and aching.

“I’d love to have lunch, but unfortunately, I have to meet with my old boss this morning to beg for my job back, and then I’m hoping to talk with a few realtors this afternoon. You’d think everyone would be chilling seeing that it’s Sunday, but no. We’re back in New York. The world is fully alive and busy as ever no matter what day of the week it is.”

He chuckled. “Sounds like New York and the rest of the world, and you’re not exactly resting either. Busy body.”

I wanted to remind him that I didn’t really have much of a choice, but he probably already knew that. “This is very true. I wish I could see you.”

“Me too, though I might not let you go if we met up again.”

“That doesn’t sound like a bad thing at all.” I smiled and wrapped my arm around myself. “Everything going okay with you?”

“Yes. I’m actually going to meet with some marketing folks here in the U.S. and a few state-side investors and tell them your marketing ideas. I think I’m going to push forward with them.”

“Hey! That’s great news.” Warmth filled me. The idea of helping him was second nature at this point. “If there’s anything else you need from me, just let me know.”

“Thanks, Mol. I’ll let you know how it goes. Are you free for dinner on Wednesday night? I should have another lull in my schedule by then.”

“Absolutely. I would love that.”

“Good. Then put me on your calendar.”

“Consider it done.”

We hung up, and I got into the shower, washing off quickly before drying and running around the apartment in a hurry. I had to see Gary before meeting with Alfie, and where getting my job back and getting a new place to live was important, nothing felt more needed than seeing the man I was falling in love with.