“We can have it back at the penthouse. I can get Nalia to set up catering and drinks—but I swear to God, guys, no girls that even remotely look like they could be underage or like they’ve been walking the streets their whole life.”

“Aye, aye, captain,” Jeremiah nodded as he placed his guitar on its stand. The others nodded their agreement, and we headed backstage to hang out and change before it was show time.

I looked around for Nalia, but couldn’t find her anywhere. Did this woman ever take a break? I was so pumped and ready to go that I wanted to pull her into an empty closet and release some of this pent up excitement.

Finally, she came into our dressing room, looking smoking hot in a mini skirt and a Bleeding Heart tank top that showed off her cleavage rather nicely. She had dark, winged eyeliner around her eyes and red lipstick on with her hair down and wild, like a real rocker chick. She looked so sexy that the other guys paused and took notice of her walking in.

“Helloooo, nurse!” Talon broke up the silence and whistled at her, making her blush as her brown eyes connected with mine. I smiled at her and nodded for her to join me on the black leather couch.

“Opening band is almost done. I already found a bartender for the after party at the penthouse and took care of food for tonight. Need anything else before you guys go on stage?”

I shook my head, smiling at her. “Relax a little. You’ve been working your tail off all day. It’s time to sit back and get ready to enjoy the show, then later the after party,” I told her.

“Seriously, Nalia. You’re a Godsend. Everything has gone off without a hitch,” Jeremiah added, giving her a fist bump. Her cheeks flushed again, but she thanked him for the compliment, then checked her watch as cheers erupted.

“It’s time, guys! Get out there and break a leg!” She nodded to the door as she popped back up out of her seat. All of the guys headed out toward the stage to get ready, but I hung back so I could walk with Nalia. She smiled at me. “What’s wrong? Nervous?”

“Nah,” I shook my head, then tugged her back into a little alcove behind the stage. I pressed my mouth to hers as I rubbed her hips. She giggled but kissed me back, parting her lips for me invitingly. “I did just think of something I need, though,” I told her as I let her go.

“Anything, boss.” she teased looking up at me, about to pull out her smartphone and make whatever call she needed. I leaned in close, letting my lips brush her neck, sending goosebumps racing down her arm.

“I need you, naked and trembling later tonight.”

She bit her lip, her eyes intent on me as the stage lights went down.

“All yours, handsome,” she flashed me a downright devious smile then popped me right on the ass. “Now, get out there and do your thing.”

I smiled and ran out on stage, ready to rock.

Chapter Twenty-Four


It was crazy to think I could be so exhausted but completely wired at the same time. The guys’ excitement was contagious, though, and I was just as pumped for the show as they were, even though I wasn't going to be out on stage with them. Still, being right next to the stage was good enough for me—it almost felt as if I were out there myself with all those thousands of people screaming for me.

Owen looked over at me with a grin before Talon hit the drums and the stage lights came up with a bright, flashing explosion of color. As soon as the band started, the crowd roared to life. The place was packed wall-to-wall with people dancing, cheering, and singing along as Owen started to belt out his vocals.

I’d heard him singing earlier, but it was so much different with the crowd there, watching him interact with the fans. It was obvious he was totally in his element; this was clearly what he had been born to do. He was drinking in the energy of the crowd as if it were pure, liquid electricity, and sending it right back out to them with his powerful voice. Every note was totally on point, and I could tell what had made Bleeding Heart so famous. I loved seeing it.

I could only hope maybe one day that would be me, but for now, I was absolutely in love with my job and having an amazing time just being near this experience. I’d surprised even myself with how well things had gone today and how naturally all this had come to me. It was a hell of a lot of work, but seeing Owen and the others rocking out there to a cheering crowd was a fantastic payoff.

Owen’s little request for the after party wasn’t a bad deal, either.

Still, I had to remind myself we were just having fun and that I had to draw a line at that. Things wouldn’t always go this perfectly on the road; there were bound to be some mishaps on the way. No matter how well you planned, there was always a chance something would happen that would throw a wrench in the works. I had to be prepared for that.

I wasn’t just talking about the band in this regard, but Owen, too—especially after our talk last night. I got why he didn’t want anything more, and truth be told, neither did I. But I could see how a girl could end up falling for him and subsequently getting hurt. I wouldn’t let that girl be me. I couldn't.

“How are you all doing tonight, Seattle?” Owen yelled into the microphone as they finished up their first song, and the crowd responded with cheers and screams. “We love you, Seattle, and we’re so happy to be back here. Let’s do this! You all should know this next song from our last album, so I want to hear you singing along!” he shouted before they whirled into their next song. I couldn’t help but smile as I watched them perform with the crowd singing along.

I found myself tapping my feet and dancing along, unable to help it. They really were a great band, and the on stage chemistry between them all was undeniable. Every member of the group radiated energy out from the stage, and their sound was so powerful, so energetic, and so catchy that I could understand why Grace had been surprised I’d never heard of them before. I would have definitely been a diehard fan if I had.

But, in a way, it was a good thing I hadn’t been a fan. Owen had told me about the two other girls’ interviews and how they’d reacted to being interviewed by him. I was the only one who had kept my head because I wasn’t star struck. Owen was just a guy that happened to be a musician when I met him, and I had acted accordingly.

Now, though, I could see how the other girls had gone all fangirl on him. He was handsome, talented, and sexy as hell. That deep and velvety voice of his could get any girl purring. No wonder he warned me about the groupies and why it would be a bad idea to be anything more than what we were. Several panties and bras had already been flung on stage and after what he’d said before going out there, I was close to flinging my own panties at his feet.

But I reminded myself this was my job. I was his tour assistant, not his girlfriend, and the job was my priority, first and foremost. Maybe after hours we could play, but right now, I was working. I couldn’t be playing the part of a fangirl, not at the moment, and not after the show, either—even if part of me wanted to fawn over him while he was on stage. Even though he had said I should relax and have a good time at the after party, I knew that even there I'd need to put my responsibilities first.

The guys went right into another song as the crowd surged and danced, and I could see some of them crowd surfing now. That was one thing I’d never surfed and always wondered about. I smiled and clapped as they finished up that song, watching the crowd erupt in cheers with me.