“So, what do you guys think? I’m totally down with the idea of Nalia joining us on tour. Who all’s in?”

All of them answered in unison with a hearty “I am,” and I had to fight to contain my excitement and put on a façade of calm collectedness. Owen looked over at me. “All right, Nalia, it looks like we're all in. What do you think?”

“I’m all in, too,” I smiled at him, trying not to gush. God, he was handsome when he smiled like that.

“Perfect. Early dinner…at my house? We’ll talk about everything and lock down the details.”

“Sounds good!” I nodded, those nervous flip flops in my tummy returning. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if it was the excitement of the new job or that smile that caused them.

Chapter Thirteen


I was thrilled that Nalia had shown up after all. And damned if she hadn’t worn another outfit that drove me crazy. She had on those tall, black heels again and a black, high-waisted pencil skirt that hugged her hips and ass perfectly with a cute top that showed off her voluptuous chest. I could hardly take my eyes off of her, and I was struggling to keep my fantasies about her from just totally taking over my thoughts.

Damn, I was beginning to think I was going to have to require her to wear baggy clothes if I intended to get any work done. I suddenly wondered if it would be such a good idea having someone so distracting around. How could I maintain my focus on the music and the tour schedule when she was near me?

Then again, where was I going to find someone capable of doing the job and not going all fangirl every time they were around us? I was just going to have to deal with my attraction and do my best to put it aside.

She followed me out to the parking lot, and I couldn’t help looking back at her a few times, just to watch her walk. At one point, I almost walked into a door. If she noticed, though, she was polite enough not to laugh at me. I led her out to my black Porsche and opened the door for her before making my way around to the driver’s side. I slid into my seat and smiled at her until I realized how cheesy I probably looked just staring at her.

Nonetheless, she returned the smile from the passenger seat. I almost melted at the sight of those gorgeous eyes staring deeply back at me. I turned on the ignition switch and gave the powerful motor a good rev, eliciting a grin from her.

“Nice car,” she said. “Didn’t really take you for the muscle car type. Black is one of my favorite colors on cars.”

“Thanks,” I replied, grinning like a schoolboy. “This was the first car I bought after the band signed with Capitol Records. Reminds me of one my granddad had when I was a kid.” I caught myself before I teared up. Talking about Gramps had a way of getting to me. “But enough about my car; let's go!” I said, changing the subject.

The ride was mostly silent on the drive to my place, but I noticed her looking around the car and out at the hills as we drove. When we reached the gate that led to my house, she let out a quiet gasp, and I smiled, knowing she was at least a little impressed by the size of it. This is what happened when you were successful but didn’t have someone else to spend all your money on.

I liked my mansion, but it did tend to get lonely at times. Perhaps it was even lonelier than an apartment would have been. I mean, I had a shit ton of rooms, a ridiculous span of land, and just myself to occupy them most of the time. I frowned as I thought about it, but immediately did my best to push the thoughts out of my mind. Why the hell was I feeling so sentimental all of a sudden? Now wasn't the time for such things.

“And this is my humble abode,” I commented as I opened the door for her.

“Humble, huh?” she teased, grinning at me.

“Okay, maybe not so humble. Come on. Let me show you around.” I crooked my elbow out, offering it to her. She slid her hand in and rested it on my arm. She followed along, taking in everything. I led her through the foyer, showed her the living room, the game room (mostly made for me and Talon to shoot pool and bullshit or play PlayStation), and then I showed her the practice space and the recording studio.

“So, how come you guys practiced at the record company today?”

“It’s more centrally located for the guys,” I answered, leading her upstairs. I showed her the bedrooms and the balcony upstairs that overlooked the backyard and the hills. Then led her back downstairs to the kitchen. “Do you like seafood?” I asked.

“I love it,” she replied, following me into the kitchen and letting out another little gasp as she stepped through the entryway. Even I had to admit it was fairly impressive, considering the professional setup I had going on in there.

I loved my kitchen, and I loved to cook, especially with company. So, making a meal for someone other than myself would be a treat for both of us.

“Great! I picked up salmon and veggies from the store this morning. Want to help me cook?” I asked her, pulling the food out of the fridge.

“I love cooking. Sure.”

I was getting more and more into her by the minute. The more we interacted, the more I wondered if she could have been more perfect for me. Still, I did my best to keep my emotions in check. After all, I had to be professional about this situation. Not that it was going to be easy, but I couldn’t allow anything to get out of hand.

“There’s an apron over on that hook, so you don’t get anything on your blouse,” I nodded toward the aprons just before I pulled out a few pans and utensils. She grabbed an apron, put it on, and then pulled the veggies to the area on the counter in front of her.

“So, what am I doing here? Chopping, slicing, or dicing?” she asked, waving the knife back and forth playfully.

“Well, as long as you’re talking about the vegetables, slicing. We’re going to grill them,” I replied with a chuckle.

She starting to slice th