“Yeah, but this is my first impression for the rest of the band. I even left early! To make sure I had enough time to get there!”

“Exactly! You can’t control the traffic, so quit freaking out,” she tried to calm me down. “I mean, there was a huge accident with an eighteen wheeler. You couldn't have predicted that. You did your best to be there on time, but sometimes these things happen, and I'm sure they'll understand. Like I said, it's been all over the news. Hell, the footage from the freeway looks downright terrifying! The eighteen wheeler is still on fire.”

“Ugh, I really want this job!”

“I know you do, and you’ll still get it. Is there another way you can get there? Can you get off the road you’re on?”

I looked around at the bumper to bumper gridlock. “Not a chance, I’m not going anywhere with how bad the traffic is. I'm completely blocked in, and there's no exit for at least a mile. And it might take an hour just to get to the exit – I'm not even joking.”

“Well, I’m sure things will start to clear up soon, and you’ll be able to make it there and explain what happened. It’ll be fine. The fire department and the traffic police are working on sorting it all out. I’m sure Owen Young understands how traffic can be.”

“God, I hope so,” I sighed, staring at the parking lot of freeway traffic. I could just barely see the smoke rising from the scene of the accident and the emergency vehicles that were cleaning it up. They were starting to open one lane at least. Maybe Grace was right, and they would understand.

“Call me afterwards?” she asked. “And good luck getting there. I'm sure you'll be fine.”

“Of course.” I hung up the call and then waited as the cars started to inch forward a little bit more. Oh, thank God, I thought. I just needed to get past the bottleneck and I’d be almost there. My GPS showed that I was five minutes away.

It was another half an hour, though, before I finally got past it and traffic began to move again. It was after three already, and I hoped they were still at the studio and hadn’t finished practice yet. I was driving like a bat out of hell, even though I was already late and another few minutes probably wouldn’t have made a difference.

Five more minutes later, I was finally in front of their building. I hurried out of the c

ar, not bothering to check myself in the mirror, and ran as quickly as I could in heels toward the door.

When I got inside there was a pretty, young woman sitting behind a desk up front, she smiled at me. “How can I help you?”

“Hi, I was supposed to be here over an hour ago, but there was a huge accident that blocked all the lanes on the freeway. I was supposed to see Owen for a second interview. Is he still here?”

“Oh! You must be Miss Dean. Yes, they’re all still here. I think they're packing up, but they usually hang around and chat for a bit before they leave. They should still be back in one of the rehearsal spaces, though. Come on, I’ll take you back. So sorry about the traffic. It can be such a beast sometimes,” she said, her voice unbelievably chipper and sweet.

“Thank you so much,” I offered her a smile despite how frustrated I felt about my commute there. She put her phone to voicemail then got up and motioned for me to follow her. She led me down a few different corridors to a door at the end of a long hall. It looked like a recording room with a booth full of expensive looking soundboards and equipment. Past it, there was a window and another door leading to the practice space where the guys were packing up their equipment.

Owen looked pissed, and I was initially afraid to go in, but he looked up when his secretary opened the door, and his expression immediately softened into a sweet smile.

“Owen, Miss Dean is here to see you. She was caught up in the traffic jam caused by that big accident I heard about on the newsfeed,” she explained to him. He nodded to his secretary before she excused herself. I swallowed hard as I realized that all the guys had stopped packing up and were watching me.

“Owen, I’m so sorry. I tried calling the agency to let you know, but I couldn’t get a hold of anyone. The number kept giving me a busy signal. And then I tried to call here, but was told you were in the studio and couldn't talk to anyone. There was an accident with an eighteen wheeler and a multi car pile-up that had traffic backed up for miles. I swear I left early enough so that I could get here on time, taking into account that traffic would probably be bad. It's just that that accident really threw a wrench in the plan.”

“It’s okay,” he smiled. “I’m just glad you finally made it. I didn’t think you were still interested.”

“Hell, yes, I’m still interested! I wouldn't have missed this for the world!”

Everyone laughed at my unexpected upsurge. Owen introduced me to each of the guys in the band, and I recognized each one from the internet stalking I’d done the night before. I had thought it would be a good idea to have a little head start on today’s meet and greet.

“So you’ve done bigger tours before?” Talon asked me.

“Yes,” I smiled at him. I couldn’t believe how well I was lying through my teeth, but deep down, I knew I could do this. “This tour won't be much of a problem to organize, trust me.”

“You excited to go on tour with us? Going to be a lot of work,” Jeremiah added.

“Definitely. And, I don’t mind a lot of work. It’ll keep me busy and on my toes. And, of course, I aim to keep all of you guys on your toes, as well. Owen explained to me just how important this tour is to all of you—and to all of your fans, of course. I'm going to do my absolute best to make sure it all comes together as perfectly as it possibly can.”

Owen grinned, sitting back and letting the guys pepper me with questions. I was guessing this was the second interview, to see if the band also liked me.

“You sure you’ll be able to put up with us for three months?” Talon waggled his eyebrows at me. “I dunno how much you know about Bleeding Heart, but we do have a certain, hmm, how do I say this, reputation that precedes us.”

“Yeah. I won’t lie. I’ve heard the rumors. But I feel pretty confident I can manage. I’ve dealt with my older brother for twenty-six years. You guys can’t be any more difficult than he is,” I laughed at him. His grin widened, and he looked over at Owen, exchanging a look, to which Owen only smiled back. It had to be a brother thing, I guessed. Still, I couldn’t help grinning at them.

Jay and Talon asked me more questions, although the things they were asking about didn't seem to have much to do with the tour. Most of the questions seemed to be more about getting to know me. After they were done, Owen glanced around at the guys, a wide smile still plastered on his face.