Grace mouthed a “thank you” and winked at me. I only nodded my head, grabbing my door key on the way out. There were some comfy-looking red couches in a little lounging area on our floor, and I made myself comfortable on one, popping in my earbuds and putting on a movie.

Despite the distraction, my mind wandered to the job possibilities Grace and I had talked about earlier, and I couldn't help but smile. I had a good feeling about it. I wracked my brain, trying to remember the name of the agency Grace had mentioned earlier while we were getting ready, but my mind was still a little foggy from drinking.

It took a few minutes, but I finally remembered: North Star Entertainment Staffing Agency. I Googled their site and clicked the link, looking it over, and found a place to apply for more administrative type roles with musicians and bands. I couldn’t believe I hadn't known before know that jobs like this were an option. I doubted I would get the job, but it couldn’t hurt to apply, and maybe Grace would be able to give me an extra boost to get me noticed. Either way, I decided to apply then and there. After all, I had plenty of time to kill while I was hanging out in the hallway lounge.

Since I was most interested in the positions they offered in tour management, I bluffed here and there on the application, adding a few things to my resume that, if checked out, would fall right through. But I didn’t care. I had to do everything in my power to ensure that they would at least give my resume a second look. Either they would call me or they wouldn’t.

It also had a spot for me to add a headshot. So, I found a good picture one of Grace’s photographer friends had taken of me and uploaded it. It was decent enough.

Once I finished applying, I curled up on the couch, watching the movie and waiting for Grace to give me the all clear. Instead, at some point I drifted off to sleep, thinking about how amazing things could be. A new career, a few connections in the world of music, hell, maybe even a new, rock star boyfriend… Who knew? All things were possible at that moment.

Chapter Five


Talon and Jay sat on one side of the table, both looking like hell. I wished I could have said I was surprised that they’d drank themselves into a stupor again last night. I wasn’t though, not even a little bit, unfortunately.

So here we were, sitting in a nice restaurant, and they still had their sunglasses on, with their hair strewn all crazily about like some drugged-out ’80s rock stars. Well, come to think of it, they weren’t too far off the mark; they just happened to be in the wrong decade. Seeing Talon drink, I admit, did make me a little wary, but he promised me he was doing nothing else and that he wouldn’t take it to the extreme. All I could do was trust him.

“So you get any leads on assistants yet?” Talon asked, taking a sip of soda. “And, why do you insist on going out for brunch? We are not high society debutants, ya know. Hell, I'm normally still sleeping at this hour.”

The others laughed and chimed in with similar jibes. I merely shrugged in response. “Since when is it a crime to like breakfast food close to lunch time?”

Talon smirked across the table at me and took a bite from his eggs. “It’s not. It’s just weird that you called it 'brunch' when you set it up. I mean, come on, dude, who uses words like that?”

I ignored him, shaking my head. “No guys, no leads just yet. However, I do intend to check some online later that Mike sent me. So, we might have someone soon. And then I can quit worrying about all this crap!”

“You gonna find a hot assistant?” Talon waggled an eyebrow, peeking over his sunglasses. “She'd better be easy on the eyes, dude. Seriously, don't let me down on this; I'm looking forward to it.”

I frowned at him. “I’m going to find a good assistant, Tal. Whether she happens to be hot or not is irrelevant. Whether she can keep her cool and do her job in spite of you dumbasses will be the real question.”

“I definitely think you need a hot assistant,” Jay added. Talon nodded his agreement, taking a few more bites.

“Why? So you can harass her and show her your ‘giant’ dick?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

The others snorted into their drinks. Talon’s grin only widened. “No. I was thinking so you can show her yours. I think you seriously need to get laid, bro. It might go a long way toward helping you lighten up a little.”

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. “How about nobody shows her their dick, guys? How about that?”

They all laughed, but my expression didn’t change. “I’m serious. No fucking around with the assistant. Any of us. Deal? Let’s do things right and not fuck this up. The last thing I need is for our assistant to quit halfway through the tour because she was harassed to a point of no return or she got burned by one of you idiots. We can't afford to have that happen, we really can't.

“We're gonna be on a crazy schedule, and any fuck ups could make the entire thing crash and burn. And you all know this as well as I do. So can we please agree to just leave the assistant alone and let her get on with her job?”

“Deal,” Jeremiah piped in immediately.

“Deal,” Jay said. The look on my face convinced him that I was serious, and he knew from years of experience when to quit messing around and when to back down.

Talon, on the other hand, hesitated. After a moment, which I am certain he waited for just for dramatic effect, he agreed. “All right then. It's a deal. I promise I won't show her my anaconda—even though she's the one who's gonna be missing out.”

All three of them agreed to the no sex with the tour assistant pact, and I felt somewhat relieved. My brother could be quite the horn dog, but if he made a promise, he did always keep it. We finished off brunch, chattin

g a little more about the tour, as well as adding a few more things to our to-do list. The other guys left, and I drove Talon and me back to my place.

“I’m really excited about this tour,” he said as he stared out the window.

“I know, man. I told you we’d do this if you got clean last year,” I smiled. “I’m pretty excited about it, too. I can hardly believe we’re actually doing it. I've got such a great feeling about this. Just feels right. Ya know? Just like the old days, before we hit it big. It's almost like going back in time, in a way.”

Talon smiled, pulling out a cigarette and rolling down the window. “I just really needed this. The band back together, us all hanging out again. Thanks, Owen. I really mean that.”