“Stop it.” She blushed and hurried into the plane.

“It’s the company’s, but I’m the majority shareholder at this point.” I moved in behind her and sat down in the big leather seat beside her. “

“Well, I honestly love it.” She gave me a big grin, and I could almost sense the

merriment coming off of her. I’d almost forgotten what it must be like for someone else who didn’t have wealth hanging all around them from the time of birth. Her excitement actually excited me a little. I’d started to take things for granted, but having her there to truly enjoy the beauty of what life could offer was exhilarating and yet humbling all at the same moment.

It would have been so damn easy to reach out and pull her close to me. To tell her that I loved her even though it was too damn early to be falling for each other. Making love changed that. So did both of us giving deeply to each other outside of the bedroom. Her cleaning up and cooking dinner, as well as offering me marketing advice here and there.

I knew she was grateful for me sharing my home and my body, as well as putting Harry’s sorry ass in his place several times. It was a beautiful relationship in the making, and here we both were, headed into the unknown together without a plan to solidify ‘us.’

It was sickening.

“All right folks,” the pilot spoke over the intercom above us, and Molly yelped. I laughed and reached out to take her hand. “It’s going to be an 8-hour flight today. Please let us know if you need anything.”

The flight attendant walked up and smiled. “Can I get either of you something to drink?”

I turned my attention to Molly. “You want something?”

“Sure. Bourbon and Coke.” She leaned back in her seat and let out a soft sigh. I had a hard time taking my eyes off of her. Should have made love to her while I had the chance. Fuck.

“And for you, sir?” The attendant smiled down at me.

“I’ll have a glass of red wine. Thank you.” I leaned back, reclining my chair a little.

“I really hate flying.” Molly reached out and took my hand as the door to the plane closed, and it started to move backward.

“Well, don’t. This plane is made for high class, and the pilots are the best in the world. Just lay back and relax. We’ll be there before we know it.”

“Okay, but talk to me about something. Keep my mind off of it all.” She glanced over, her eyes wide and the vein on the side of her neck pulsing like crazy.

I chuckled and squeezed her hand before releasing her. The drinks showed up, and I dove into a long spill, explaining what was going on with the marketing for our new Zenith project.

“Wow. That sounds revolutionary, Alfie. It’s going to allow you to talk wirelessly and see a projected hologram of the person you’re talking to?”

“Yep.” I nodded, feeling pretty damn good from her intrigue. I found myself wanting to impress the pretty girl, no matter what it took. “And I believe that we really need to use one target audience to sell it to.”

“Of course. That’s how you sell things. Target one group and focus on them, and then let them sell it to the world.”

My heart skipped a beat. It was as if she pulled the words from my conversation the previous week with Bill. “Exactly! Jeez. You’d think it was a hard concept with the way Bill and them have been acting this last week.”

“Bill is one of your marketing guys?”

“Yes.” I nodded and finished my wine as the warmth of the liquor filled my stomach.

“I think you should honestly focus on the millennials, Alfie. They’re the perfect group to hone in on. Get influencers involved, and perhaps you could do a series of commercials and billboard ads with them in amazement or shock. It could almost be linked to the entertainment industry. Like to Star Wars or something. It’s a brand that’s spanned generation after generation. You’d bring in the older generations because of the memories they have about the movies as kids.” She was beaming, and I was three steps beyond turned on.

The fact that she was intensely obedient in the bedroom and one of the most beautiful creatures I’d ever seen was more than enough. Throwing in how fucking brilliant she was wasn’t helping my plans of letting her go. I could see her quickly becoming not only part of my life, but part of my company as well.

“I love it. It’s brilliant.” I smiled and brushed my fingers over my lips. “I kept trying to think through a way to bridge the gap, but you did it in three minutes flat.” I reached over and took her hand, pulling it up to my lips and kissing her knuckles softly. “Fuck, woman. Be careful.”

“Why?” She breathed heavily as her eyes moved down to my lips.

“Lest I fall in love with you.” I licked at the space between her knuckles, and she moaned softly.

“How private is this plane?” She glanced up toward the front of the plane.

The attendant must have noticed Molly looking up toward them because she stood and walked back to us. “Anything else I can get you?”