“Thank you. And no, I’m from L.A. We're just down here for the night,” I responded.

He slipped his hands onto my waist and brushed his face against my shoulder, so he could speak closer to my ear and not have to shout so much, I suspected. “Oh? Just for the night? That’s too bad.”

“Yep, just needed some time away and a girls’ night out.” I took another sip, not really wanting to continue chatting. He seemed to take the hint and turned me around, rolling his hips against me and smiling. I had to admit, he was quite handsome with his light eyes and perfectly styled head of dark, wavy hair.

“That’s cool. My name’s Devin,” he said with a wink.

“Nalia. Nice to meet you, Devin,” I smiled at him and took another sip. “Thanks again for the drink.”

“It’s no problem, no problem at all! There's plenty where that came from. Let me know if you want another.”

Oh yeah, he was hoping to get laid all right, and it certainly already looked like his friend would with Grace. For a brief moment I did consider it, but one-night stands had never been my thing and besides, I had too many other things on my mind. Plus, this guy seemed more sweet than smooth, unlike his friend who was already making out with Grace in a booth. I’d hate to mess around with him and give him hope when I had no interest in relationships at the moment. That would

have been cruel and selfish on my part.

“I think your friend seems to be getting along pretty well with mine,” he laughed, nodding toward the booth where the two were sucking face.

I grinned. “Yeah, I think that’s a safe assumption to make.”

“Need a refill?” He motioned to my empty glass, and I nodded, thanking him and following him back to the bar. Grace eyed me over the guy’s shoulder and gave me a thumbs up as the guy she was making out with nibbled at her neck. I couldn’t help but laugh at my wild friend.

Devin and I both got another drink and sat at the bar for a bit making idle chit chat. I think he was picking up on the fact that he probably wasn’t going to score tonight with me, but he didn’t seem to mind and was still interested in hanging out. I found it a little refreshing that he didn’t assume buying me drinks meant I owed him something. So, after a bit more chit-chat, I ended up playing his wing man when I spotted another girl eyeing him from across the bar.

“I think she’s checking you out.”

“Huh?” On instinct, he looked around, then looked embarrassed as he had been talking to me. I motioned toward the girl subtly, however, and he looked. “But I’m talking to you.”

“Yes, and you’re a really sweet guy, but I don’t live here and I'll probably never see you again. She might, though. And trust me on this, I’m fairly certain that chick is digging on you and that you should ask her to dance. In fact, if you don't, you might be wasting a really great opportunity.”

A confused expression came over his face, like he was unsure of what to think of my help. “You think I should go talk to her?”

I nodded, giving him an encouraging smile.


“Yes, really! I’ve had a lot of fun dancing with you and chatting, but I think that girl is into you, and like I said, maybe she’s local,” I added. “Trust me, I know that look she's been giving you. I know exactly what it means.”

His eyes lit up.

“But I don’t want to be rude and leave you here alone.”

“I’ll be fine! I promise. I came here to dance, and I got to do that, and I have my drink to keep me company until those two are ready to go. I just have too much on my mind right now to think of doing anything else. Besides, something tells me that even though you might feel like sticking around here for quite a bit longer, those two are gonna be ready to leave pronto.” I motioned back toward Grace and his friend.

He laughed, then asked one more time if I was sure. I nodded and watched him get up and talk to the other chick. She gave him a wide, inviting smile and placed her hand on his chest as she laughed at something he said. Oh yeah, that girl would be much more appreciative of his efforts tonight than I would.

Twenty minutes later, Grace came up and grabbed my arm, the guy she’d been sucking face with behind her, arms wrapped around her waist. “This is Jackson, by the way.” She had a giddy look on her face that I had to fight not to laugh at. It was clear her mission had been accomplished. She’d found an acceptable suitor to keep her company for the night and was ready to get out of there and take care of business. “You ready to go?”

“Yep, let’s go.”

“Where’d Devin go?” Jackson asked. I nodded toward him and the other girl, already kissing on the dance floor.

“I think he’ll be fine,” I said as he glanced in our direction. I gave him a thumbs up, and he grinned. “Oh yeah, he’ll be just fine.”

Jackson made his way over to Devin and had a few quick words before the three of us headed out of the club, this time walking down the beach to our hotel. Grace and I took off our heels because walking in the sand in heels was a terrible idea. I could just see one of us tripping and going face first in the sand in our tipsy states.

Jackson seemed like a decent enough guy, even for a one-night stand, goofing off and making us laugh on the way back, at one point actually tripping himself by not paying attention. Grace and I giggled at him before she helped him back up and dusted the sand from his ass.

When we reached the hotel, all three of us went up to the room. I went into the bathroom and changed into a comfy t-shirt and a pair of pajama pants then grabbed my iPad. “I think I’m going to head to the lounge area, give you two some alone time,” I told them, slipping on some flip flops.