“It's just . . . ya know, Eddie, I don't really want to get into it.”

He sipped on his beer again and nodded. “Okay. But you know I've always got your back, right, sis? I mean, if he's being a jerk, or whatever, you know I'm here.”

I couldn't help but smile.

“And, what are you going to do if he is being a jerk? Kick his ass for me? I'm not in high school any more, Eddie.”

He grinned. “Sometimes I feel like I still am, though,” he replied. “But seriously, if you wanna talk about it . . . I mean, I know I'm a guy and your brother, so maybe you don't think I'll get it. But hey, I've been on this rock for ten years longer than you, and I think I've learned a few things along the way. Maybe I can help, you know.”

I leaned across the table and squeezed his hand. “I know, I know. You've been the best brother—and friend—you could possibly have been all my life. And, I love you for that.”

“Thanks, sis. You know, you're the only one in the family who ever got me—the only one who really cared. And, you always believed in me when everyone else was telling me I was crazy trying to follow the path of a rocker, when everyone else was saying I'd end up homeless in the streets, you were the one who kept telling me: 'I believe in you, Ed. You're my hero. You can do anything you want, if you really believe in yourself.' And you said it with such conviction—”

“Because I was just a kid,” I interrupted

. “I believed it.”

“Yeah, exactly! Your childlike faith got me through many dark times. And now look where I am. I made it!”

I looked at him as pride swelled in my chest. “You really did make it, Eddie. I'm proud of you.”

“And, you have no idea how proud I am of you. Hell, you stormed into that company, what's it called, Sinclair whatever, and you gave them hell! You blew ‘em outta the water with your ideas. You're gonna get right to the top, and nobody—especially not billionaire boy—is gonna stand in your way.

“You don't need his help. You don't need anything from that guy. You don't even need a dime from him. Because it's all you, you understand? Your talent, your ambition, your drive, your hard work—they've got you this far. And if that guy thinks he can play you, well . . . well, he can just go jump right out of his damn skyscraper and be done with it. Because there's no stopping you, whether you're working for him, or working for someone else. You're gonna be at the very top in just a few short years, sis, just a few short years. I can feel it! I know it!”

“Aww Eddie, you're just . . . You're the best. Seriously.”

I stood, walked around the table to where Ed was sitting, and gave him a big hug.

“I'm just gonna go to the little girls' room. I'll be back in a sec.”

“Sure thing. Hey, do me a favor, grab me one more beer from the bar when you come back?”

“Will do.”

I went off to the bathroom, feeling recharged and energized after Eddie’s inspiring speech. When I returned, I made a beeline for the bar. As I waited for the bartender to turn my way so I could get her attention, I caught sight of a strikingly handsome man, dressed impeccably in an Italian suit staring intently at me. His perfectly styled, blond hair was combed back in a side part and dark stubble peppered his powerful, square jaw. Ice-blue eyes gazed at me from beneath imposing eyebrows.

For a few moments, I couldn't take my eyes off of him—but then I felt suddenly uneasy and broke my trance. He, however, maintained his interest in me. After a half smile, he picked up his martini and sidled up to me at the bar.

“Hi,” he said, his voice deep and gravelly. “You don't know me . . . yet. But I’m hoping to change that. I would certainly like to get to know you.”

“Really? And who do you think I am that I might be so interesting to get to know?” I’d seen his kind before. They think they’re smooth. If you call them on it, one of two things will happen: you’ll either trip them up and they’ll have nothing, or they’ll feed you some bullshit line and you’ll at least get a good laugh. Either way, they are full of it. I expected nothing different from this one.

“I believe you are the lovely and talented Lilah Maxwell, rising star of the Sinclair Agency. It's a pleasure to finally see you in the flesh. You're every bit as gorgeous as my . . . assistant . . . says you are.”

I was immediately taken aback. Who on earth was this devilishly good-looking stranger, and how did he know who I was? I was both intrigued and slightly frightened.

“And how, precisely, do you know who I am?”

“We work in the same field, you and I,” he replied.

“Oh, really? And who might you be?”

“The name's Savage. Brendan Savage. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lilah. Very, very pleased indeed.”

Chapter Twenty-Five
