“Hey! There you are. I feel like we haven’t talked in forever.” Her voice brought a smile to my face.

“Does feel that way, doesn’t it?” I took a bite of my toast. “You doing okay?”

“I am. I miss you like crazy. Any hope that this call is you telling me that you’re at the airport and need a ride and maybe a place to crash for a while?” She sounded like a teenager hoping for her first date.

I laughed. “I’m going to book a flight for Friday, I think.”

“Yay! And are you staying here?”

“Yes, crazy girl. If you’d give me a minute, I’d tell you what was going on.”

“All right. I’m pinching my lips. You have five seconds.” She mumbled something, and I smiled. She was forever trying to cheer me up.

“I’ll be in Friday. I’m not sure what I’m going to do about a place or a job, so if I could stay with you for a few weeks, I’d be grateful. I can pay rent and help with groceries.” I took another bite of my toast and let my eyes move across the beautiful moor in front of me. I’d miss this place, but more than anything else, I’d miss Alfie.

Maybe there was a chance for something long-distance to happen between us. I could hope until he told me otherwise.

“You can stay as long as you like. You know that, and don’t worry about paying for anything. Just get busy putting your life back together, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

“You’re a good friend.” I fought back the burn of tears. “It’s been a rough week. Harry came over here to Alfie’s acting like a total cock, and Alfie beat him up and sent him on his way.”

“What?” Peyton’s laughter was almost contagious.

“Yeah. It was quite a scene.” I set my plate down beside me and grabbed my coffee mug. “I didn’t realize that Alfie was the type to get into a fight, but he’s a good man.”

“And you’re a hundred percent sure of that? I still have my reservations. I think you should be careful, Mol.”

Her using my nickname made me smile. Alfie had started to use it from time to time too. It was intimate, and I loved it.

“I know. I will be careful.” I took a sip of my coffee. “I’m not sure wh

at’s happening between us, but I like it. A lot.”

“Yes, and you’re on the rebound. All English guys are the same. I’m serious. Be careful.” Her tone was less than playful all of a sudden.

“And you’ve dated all English guys?” I smiled, teasing her.

“Nope, but I’ve slept with a lot of them. They’re after sex and someone to clean their house. Take my word for it. You’ll be a sexy maid before too long if you’re not careful.”

I laughed again. “Well, I’m heading out on Friday. Unless Alfie plans on coming with me, whatever this love affair has been will soon be over.”

“Good. I’ll be there Friday for you. Let me know the time of your flight.”

We hung up, and I spent another hour sitting out on the porch, just thinking about the conflicting emotions inside of me. I had a life to rebuild due to rejection, but to do it, I had to reject this new life that seemed to fit me all too well.

What to do? What to do.

Chapter Seventeen


It had been a long week at work, and a longer one at home. Molly was pulling away from me emotionally. I could feel it all over me.

Sleep evaded me night after night as we quickly approached Friday. She’d tried to make plans to fly home, but I’d talked her into just letting me take her on my private jet. She was excited to hear that I was coming to the U.S. for a short visit, or so it seemed.

We hadn’t had the discussion about us, and I wasn’t sure if we would be having it. Maybe she just thought of me as a rebound, a way to heal herself emotionally from Harry’s exploits.

And if that was the case, then so be it. I’d take the few weeks I had with her as a blissful reprieve from the lonely bachelor life I’d created for myself. The ball was in her court, whether she knew it or not. I was good going with whatever she wanted, however she wanted it.