“You say that now—”

“And, I mean it.” I insisted.

“Well, if you do start to feel like a bit of a wreck, I'm just saying, if you do—”

“I'll call you. Don't worry, Meg. I know who's in my corner.”

“Always in your corner, Lilipop, always. So, do you wanna take a stroll and go feed the ducks in the pond? And by feed the ducks, I mean watch the hot guys jogging in the park. It's a beautiful day, and it'll get your mind off things—at least temporarily.”

“Yeah,” I said, somewhat absentmindedly. “Take my mind off things. Because hot guys will make me not think of the hot guy.” I smiled.

“You’ll thank me later,” Meg said as she dropped some cash on the table and grabbed my hand to pull me out of the chair. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Seventeen


I had tried calling Lilah from Costa Rica using the satellite phone the day we’d arrived, but she hadn't picked up. I figured she'd probably felt confused as to why a number from Costa Rica was trying to call her, but it had been the only way I could get hold of her, or anyone else for that matter, since the floods had taken out the area's internet and phone reception.

So, I did the best I could and left her a message to at least explain where I was going to be for a few days. I had even tried to call her again when we headed back on Tuesday and I was back in the land of the living—living communications, that is. But, again, no answer. I left her a message to call me back, but that didn’t happen, either.

I tried to tell myself that she probably just didn’t listen to the message on her cell phone because she didn’t recognize the number. And, it was so late Tuesday night when the plane landed that I wasn’t about to be inconsiderate and call at that hour.

So, when I finally got back to the office on Wednesday, she and I hadn't actually communicated since we'd gotten drunk and slept together.

The whole time I'd been in Costa Rica, I hadn't been able to keep her off my mind. I wondered, however, if she'd been thinking the same

about me. I headed into my office without seeing her in the hallway. I contemplated going to find her, but was informed that she would be in a meeting with two of the Harry Winston executives for most of the morning. So, since there were so many emails piled up from the days I'd been away, I got down to business and started getting on top of everything I'd missed out on—all while thoughts of Lilah ran through my head.

Eventually, I had replied to everything that needed replying to and took care of all the tasks that required immediate action. I looked at the clock to see it was just in time for lunch. I headed out into the hall and over to Lilah's office and knocked on the door.

Nobody answered.

“Lilah?” I called through the closed door. There was still no response.

I gently pushed open the door and found the office was empty. The sight immediately sent a wave of disappointment rushing through me. All morning, I'd been hoping we would have the chance to talk about what had happened over lunch. But at the moment, I was beginning to get the feeling that maybe she was avoiding me, ducking out for lunch five minutes early.

I could only hope I was wrong, but that gut feeling was twisting inside me and I felt like hitting my head against a wall. I forced myself not to text her. The last thing I wanted was to come across as pushy.

I went back out into the hallway and trudged out on my own. We'd run into each other eventually, but I hated letting something like this drag out. I’ve always been a big fan of trying to keep things as simple as possible, in most areas of my life at least. I headed out of the building and onto the street, lost in my thoughts. I was intending to go to my now usual lunch spot at the café around the corner but, at the last minute, I caught a whiff of pizza lingering in the air and I changed my mind.

I headed across the street and around the block to a great little pizza joint that I didn't go to often enough. Mainly because pizza was definitely a cheat food and not technically allowed in my strict diet and exercise regimen. Still, after three days of intense physical labor, I figured I could get away with a cheat meal—or three.

Just as I stepped into the pizza joint, I saw Lilah there, by herself, sitting at a table and eating a slice of pizza. She looked up at me and a strange look flashed across her face. She smiled, though, and the look was quickly gone. Still, something in her smile seemed kind of off.

I sat down across from her.

“Hey,” I said with a wink. “Fancy running into you here.”

“Yeah. Just thought I'd try somewhere different,” she said, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin.

She wasn't making eye contact for more than a split second. That gut feeling was jabbing at my stomach. I didn't like where this was going.

“So, you were in Costa Rica the past few days?” she asked.

“Yeah. Things got a little crazy down there. It was pretty tough work. I've got a wildlife sanctuary slash ecotourism place down there, and—”

“I heard all about it around the office,” she interrupted.