The last thing I wanted was for him to judge my actions, but he’d been pretty laid back the last time we’d talked about Molly. Of course, I hadn’t mentioned that I was sleeping with the beautiful girl at that time, but maybe it wasn’t such a wise move to do it now either.

Logan was my last real friend in the world. If he thought I was sleeping with Harry’s ex, he’d probably give me a good tongue lashing over having ethics and being a good man. Or maybe not. He had a bit of a wild side as well. Hell, we all did.

“It’s Molly,” I said reluctantly after a few seconds. I’d been debating lying to him, but just couldn’t go through with it.

“Oh.” He paused. “Oh! Are you guys… Like, are you—”

“I don’t know what we are.” I lowered my voice, not wanting Molly to overhear the conversation and take it the wrong way. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt her.

“Well, that’s cool. She must be a pretty special girl for you to bend your strict ethics like you are.”

And there it was, but it didn’t sound judgmental in the slightest.

“She’s honestly one of the most beautiful, sweet, and giving women I’ve met.” I took a sip of my coffee and tried not to groan. “And she makes one hell of a cup of coffee.”

We shared a laugh, and he picked up the conversation again. “Hey, what you do with your life is yours to do. You sound timid, and I know that sound. I support you in anything you’re up to. You know that.”

“I know.” I took a quick breath. “I just hate the way it looks and the underlying implications of her being here, but I want her here with me.”

“You think it’s going to be something long-term?”

“No clue.” I glanced back toward the kitchen opening as the sound of music wafted toward me. She was dancing around the kitchen, her dark hair flying around her as if she didn’t have a care in the world. Maybe her mind was changed by me handling Harry the day before. She didn’t seem ready to sneak out again in the middle of the night, and I was almost conflicted on the fact that she was good.

Were we doing what we should be? And if not, who was the judge of our actions? I knew without a doubt if she were Logan’s ex-fiancée that I wouldn’t be entertaining her or sleeping with her. No matter what he did.

Fuck. Maybe mine and Harry’s relationship wasn’t what I thought it was at all. The thought was a little unnerving.

“Well, I’ll have the house ready for you on Friday. Come into town and let’s have some fun together. You probably need a break, seeing that you keep yourself running on all cylinders.”

“This is true, mate. All right. See you Friday.” I dropped the call and glanced over to find Molly watching me. “It was Logan. He’s my best friend from childhood.”

“Was he Harry’s friend too?” Her question combined with her worried expression let me know exactly what she was thinking.

“No. He was like a brother to me, and my father took care of both of us. He was in boarding school over here with me.” I stood up and lifted my cup of coffee to my lips.

“And what about your mother?” She glanced around and turned her attention back to me. “I see a lot of pictures of your dad, but none of your mom.”

I walked toward her and slid my han

d into hers. “Let’s go make breakfast and talk about something else. My mum is a conversation left for another day. A dreary one at that.”

Chapter Sixteen


We shared a small meal, and Alfie excused himself, needing to work on a few work-related things. I sat in the kitchen for a few minutes alone, wondering about his mother. Weariness rolled over me, and I got up and stuck my head into his office.

“I’m going to lie back down for a little while if you’re okay with that.” I smiled as he glanced over his shoulder. He was so handsome it almost hurt.

“Of course. I’ll come wake you when I get done in a few hours.”

“Good. I like the sound of that.” I turned and walked back up the stairs, feeling like a woman who was loved. It was silly and maybe a little trite, but he was capable of being the man of my dreams. I could feel it all over me.

“Stop it,” I mumbled to myself as I pulled off my robe and climbed back into the bed in my panties and a tank top. The night before had been magical. I’d never felt something so wickedly intense as I had when he brought me to come over and over again. A deep hum raced through me, my body warming as my thoughts turned lusty.

Luckily enough, sleep raced in and pulled me under before I could strip down and call for him to come take care of me again. The poor man had a company to run.
