She arched an eyebrow. “Regret over what exactly? Over us or—”

“No,” I said, reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “I promise. It has nothing to do with you, or us for that matter.” I pulled her down for a sweet kiss.

The smell of her shampoo combined with her sultry voice had my cock hardening again, as if our long night of love making wasn’t enough.

She kissed me once more before moving back. “Is it over what happened with Harry?”

I sighed as I let my hand drop from the side of her cheek. Moll

y rested her chin on my bare chest then while she waited patiently for me to answer. I wasn’t sure I wanted to, but seeing that we were growing closer, it seemed the right thing to do. The last fucking thing I wanted was for her to think that she was the cause of my distress, or that our sex somehow had me regretting my choices.

“I haven’t been that guy for a long time, and never over a woman,” I said, quietly. “I’ve done some stupid shit throughout my life, but nothing that ever involved a person getting hurt the way I hurt Harry. He was a good a friend of mine.” I shrugged. “He deserved to get his ass beat, and probably then some, but I wish it had been someone else’s fist. I’ve been trying to leave the University version of me in the past since I was back there.”

“You were angry with losing a person you thought was your friend? Was that why you hit him?”

I realized she hadn’t been outside to hear him ranting and raving about her. She didn’t realize that my reaction was solely related to him being a prick about her.

“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I mean, that was part of the reason for sure. I was upset with him because he doesn’t seem to get that you can’t treat people like shit. He’s basically stepped all over us both with muddy boots.”

“Well, he’s gone now.” She kissed me once more before getting out of bed and walking to the bathroom. I lifted up so I could watch her pert little ass jiggle as she moved. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled. “Are you watching me?”

“Um, yes. I think in America, you vulgar creatures call it eye-fucking.” I laughed and dropped down onto my back as she closed the door behind her, the sound of her giggles leaving my heart fluttering in my chest.

The woman was dangerous. I’d find myself in love with her and then what? Not only was it wrong as fuck, but she planned to move back to New York. If things progressed between us, could I really ask her to move back to England?

I reluctantly got up and made my way downstairs to start a pot of coffee. My phone buzzed from the living room, and I realized that I must have left it in there the night before when Molly and I made love.

Images blasted across my mind’s eye, and my stomach tightened with need. I rolled my eyes at myself. How ridiculous this beautiful woman was causing me to be.

I picked up the phone and held it to my ear. “Alfie, here.”

“Hey, buddy!” Logan.

“Hey, old chap. How are you?” I glanced up to look at the clock on the wall. “You’re up awfully early, aren’t you? It’s the middle of the night for you, if I’m calculating right.”

“I’m good. I was going to see if you were still thinking about coming for a visit. I’d love to see you, man. I have off this weekend coming up. We could go paint the town red together.” His voice was filled with excitement. It always felt good talking to him, because he acted as if our relationship were the most important thing in his life. He had a way of making me feel important.

“Hmmm…that might work just fine, actually.” I sat down on the couch and rubbed my hand over the cushion, working hard not to see Molly lying face down with her lovely ass in the air for me. She’d be leaving on Friday, too, if I had my calculations down right. We could share a flight over.

“Good. Then let’s plan on it. And you’re staying with me, so don’t start trying to pull any of this shit about you getting an executive suite or any of that.” He sounded resolved.

“All right.” I reached up and ran my hand through my hair. “I’ll stay with you. It is your birthday weekend.” I smiled as he laughed.

“Dude. You remembered?”

“I did.” I leaned back and let out a contented sigh. It would be good to see my old friend, and even better to get away from everything for a while. “It’s been a long few days. Harry came over here ranting and raving. I hated to do it, but I popped him a few times in the face and drug him back to his car.”

“What?” Logan’s voice rose in volume. “You got in a fight?”

“Not sure you would call it a fight, honestly. He came at me, and I moved only to pop him in the face a few times. He’s not at all the guy he was when we were back in Uni. It’s like we’ve traded places or something.”

“Well, that can’t be good. You were a complete cock back then. It’s like aliens took over your body in college instead of high school when it normally happens to most people.” He snorted and chuckled. “Was he there because you helped his ex out for a while?”

Speaking of his ex. Molly walked into the room and handed me a cup of coffee. “Here you go. Black, just like you like it.”

I winked at her. “Thank you. I’ll be in there in a minute.”

“Is that a girl?” Logan’s voice boomed in my ear. “Are you bedding someone or dating?”