“Yeah, all right. I get it. He's a big deal in the corporate world, but how does he strike you as a person? Leaving out all the power and prestige and all that corporate impressive stuff—is he, personally, someone you'd be comfortable spending a lot of time around and interacting with on a daily basis?

“I've been all over the place, and met all kinds of people, from millionaires to bums and everything in between, and while I can't say I have much experience in the world of suits, boardrooms, and briefcases, I can tell you that a person's character is absolutely the most important part of who they are.

“So, try to forget about what this guy has achieved and think about who he is. Is he someone you're gonna be able to spend a lot of time with and someone your gut says you can trust? Is he gonna inspire you, or is he gonna be putting you down? Is he genuinely interested in who you are and what you have to offer, or does he just want a pretty face to brighten his day? What do your instincts tell you?”

I nursed my beer and thought about it. While it did seem, on one level, that perhaps Asher was a bit fond of his status and prestige, I had felt as if he had been genuinely interested in what I had said. He seemed sincere in his opinion that I could bring something to the table. Why else would he have offered me the position after I had insulted him right to his face?

There was also that look I'd seen in his eyes that I couldn’t stop thinking about, and that mysterious something I'd noticed in his smile which seemed to have gone beyond mere friendliness. I set those things aside for the time being, though. I didn't need too many elements, too many variables clouding my judgment. Especially since there was a chance I'd just been imagining things, perhaps projecting my own secret desires onto him.

“Well, my instincts say that he’s sincere,” I finally admitted.

In light of everything I'd just considered, it really did seem as if taking the position would be the best thing to do. In fact, it seemed almost foolish not to accept it, even though I wasn’t fully aware of what the position would involve. Asher Sinclair himself had called it a promotion. I didn't know why I'd had such doubts about it before. Maybe I'd just been too flustered after criticizing the man and then having the true identity bomb dropped on me.

“Sincerity is good,” Eddie added. “Now, do you feel like he’s someone you could work with? You aren’t going to want to chuck him from the top of the building after a few days?”

I smiled as I finished off my beer. “Yeah. I think so,” I said slowly. “I think he genuinely believes that I'll be a beneficial addition to his team.”

Eddie smiled and finished his second beer. “Then, take that bull right by the horns, lil' sis! When opportunity comes knockin', you know what you need to do.”

I nodded just as my phone buzzed in my purse. I pulled it out to check my email. As if right on cue, there was a message from Asher Sinclair in my inbox. I opened it and began to read with more than a little nervousness rushing through my veins.

Good evening, Lilah!

Thanks so much for the awesome presentation earlier today. I hope you’ll accept my sincerest apologies for not revealing who I am as soon as we started talking. It's just useful at times for a man in my position to understand what his employees really think about him and his ideas. People tend to be more open and honest with someone other than the boss. I hope you understand.

Anyway, I hope you are seriously considering my offer. I’ve attached a document that gives you a detailed view of what you can expect if you accept it. No rush, of course. As I said, you've got a week to mull it over. I do hope, though, that you don't need that long to make the decision. Feel free to reply when you have made that choice.

Looking forward to hearing from you and working with you!

Kindest regards,


I opened the attachment and did a quick scan through the job description. It was better than I had expected. I didn't need a week to think about it—I'd made my decision. With my heart in my throat, I typed out a quick reply, proofread it, breathed in deeply, and hit send.

Chapter Three


For the first time in years, I had to force myself not to stray from my routine. I've learned over the years how important discipline is and how integral to success having a firmly-set routine is. Like everything else I've committed to in life, I've stuck with my routine no matter how I feel when I wake up—and it's paid off for me.

I'm in better shape now at age 32 than I was at 18, and I feel more focused and motivated than I ever have at any point in my life. I generally start my days at 5:00 a.m. with a green smoothie and a bowl of raw organic fruit and vegetables. I then work out in my gym with my personal trainer for an hour. I have a protein shake and a long shower at 6:00, and then I check my email.

Except that a little something—or someone—seemed to have upset my focus somewhat. My first thought when I awoke had been to check my email. I had even reached for my phone once before I got dressed. But I managed to refrain.

It was, however, still in the back of my mind when I opened my messages on the projector screen of my dining room as I settled down to sip on my protein shake. My eyes were immediately drawn to one message in particular, and my finger went straight for the name: Lilah Maxwell.

Good evening, Asher.

Thank you so much for offering me the position on your personal team. I appreciate your promptness in sending the job description. After some careful consideration, I've decided to take the job. I feel there's a lot I can learn from someone like you. I hope, in turn, I'm able to live up to the expectations you have for me. I assure you I'll do everything in my power to do exactly that!

Let me know how to proceed.


Lilah Maxwell

I drank the last of my protein shake, skimmed over the message one more time, and smiled.