I leaned forward and kissed him as he trailed his hand down my tummy and slipped it inside my panties, cupping my mound. I broke the kiss and put on the brakes.

“Wait. That’s not the gift I wanted to give.”

He frowned, but rubbed my sex with a delicious pressure that had me reconsidering. No. I had to tell him now, while I still had the courage. If I didn’t do it soon, I’d ruin the surprise.

“What is it?” He dipped his head to my stomach and kissed me there, and I wondered if he somehow instinctively knew.

I slipped my hand under my pillow and pulled out the little box that would change everything. We hadn’t talked about children. With all the other things we had in our lives, we’d both been content, and we certainly hadn’t felt we were missing anything. We hadn’t been too careful, either, or tried to prevent anything from happening, so if he didn’t like the idea, he should have said as much.

I placed the small box on my stomach and he sat up on his elbow and met my eyes. “You didn’t have to get me anything else.” I’d given him cologne along with his other gifts at the party.

“Open it,” I urged as my stomach twisted in knots.

He pulled the bow off the top and slipped his finger into the paper. When he got to the small white box, he gave me a glance and opened the lid. His mouth went slack and his eyes widened. “No way.”

It wasn’t exactly the reaction I’d hoped for, and his eyes darkened as he looked away. I thought he’d be happy. My heart dropped like a rock to the pit of my gut and I held my breath.

“I can’t believe this,” he whispered, taking the tiny pair of baby shoes from the box.

I wanted to react. I wanted to ask him what he expected would happen. It wasn’t as if he didn’t know how to make babies, and with all the raw sex his appetite craved, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

He turned to me, his eyes ringed red with tears and he fell onto my stomach, planting kisses there and pulling me into his arms. I breathed a sigh of relief as he met my eyes and smiled.

“This is the best gift ever.” He shifted himself closer so he could kiss my mouth and his hands held my face as he gazed into my soul. “I love you, Luna.”

“I love you, too.” I hid my face, grateful I’d been wrong, as tears of relief washed across my cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” His eyes were filled with concern.

I wouldn’t spoil our happiness by telling him I’d had doubts. My heart filled with joy thinking about the year to come. “Nothing, Gabriel. I’m so happy. You give me everything, you know. I’m happy to finally give you something for a change: something special.”

He smiled and placed his hand over my heart. “Every day you love me, Luna, you give me something special.”

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By Claire Adams

This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

Copyright © 2017 Claire Adams

Chapter One


I glanced at myself in the mirror to see the image of a young man dressed in a subdued business suit reflecting back at me. He sat in silence on the sofa in the seating area, studying the artwork hanging on the wall next to the mirror.

It was a large piece, perhaps five feet across and four feet high. It consisted of a small red square in the top left hand corner against a white background. Countering the geometric, ordered simplicity were splashes of bold color sprayed across the entire right hand side in a chaos of strokes. It was as though all of the artist's pent-up rage and frustration had been poured out onto that canvas. It was a work of genius, really. In a way, that red square represented everyone trying to play their roles and keep the madness, and chaos, contained and controlled.

A young man approached and looked up at the artwork. He looked at the painting for a few seconds, shrugged, and then turned his attention to me.

“Hi,” he said, somewhat nervously. “Do you mind?” He motioned to the empty seat next to me on the sofa. “I have a meeting in this boardroom in a few minutes,” he added as he nodded toward the closed door to our left.