I couldn’t move, and I imagined I was a sight, sprawled out on his desk with my skirt up around my waist, panting and glistening. He’d been my only lover, and I couldn’t imagine ever having anyone else.

He extended his hand and pulled me forward. I stood on weak legs and pulled my skirt into place before straightening my hair and bra while I caught my breath. He sat in his chair and folded his arms in front of himself. “So, what was that about my new office?”

I buttoned my blouse. “I suppose I can make an exception. As long as we can do this anytime I want.”

“I have a feeling I won’t be getting much work done in my new office.” He pulled me down to his lap. “Or maybe a bit too much?” We shared a laugh as I brought my lips against his. I couldn’t get enough of him.

I caressed his strong jaw and planted kisses there. “You know what I’ve been thinking about?” He shook his head and moaned against my neck. “I can’t wait until the honeymoon.”

“Have you decided where you want to go? I told you: you name and it’s yours.” The sincerity in his tone touched my heart and made me think how lucky I was. Sure, I was lucky because I’d married a handsome billionaire in Vegas, but I’d also found my best friend and the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

“You’re going to spoil me if you’re not careful. You know I’m a simple girl, and I’ll be happy anywhere with you.”

He shook his head as if he knew better. “Anywhere but Vegas, right?” I thought of our time at the honeymoon suite and even though I’d hoped I’d never see that place again, I would go in a heartbeat with him.

“Anywhere, on this earth, Gabriel – even Vegas.”


It was hard to believe an entire year and a half had passed. So much had changed and things had happened that I’d never expected. Gabriel and I had settled down in our home, and though he’d given me the okay on building a new one, I’d opted to redo the vineyard home instead.

I’d knocked out a few walls and made the space more open, and the first wall to go, other than the one to my master bathroom, was the one that separated the kitchen from the front room.

Now there was a huge island bar, and I’d lightened all the wood to a warm honey, to give the place a more open and homey feel. I’d kept Judy’s breakfast nook, but made it a bit bigger so that the entire family could enjoy the view with her.

As I stood in the kitchen with her, making snacks for Gabriel’s birthday celebration, Carl stuck his head in the front door. “There’s a lady here with the cake, Miss.”

Unlike Judy, Carl hadn’t gotten used to calling me Luna and instead of correcting him continuously, I’d learned to accept it months ago. “Tell her to bring it in, please.”

I dropped the brownie I was decorating onto the tray with the others and hurried to meet the woman as she walked in dragging a cart behind her. I pointed to the table across the room to where Judy and I had draped a tablecloth and hung streamers. As I walked across the room to greet her, Harbor came down the stairs and disappeared into the kitchen with Judy.

I greeted the cake artist with a handshake. “It’s beautiful, thank you. He’ll love it.” After a moment of small talk where I realized she wasn’t half as nervous as me, a knock on the door had me crossing the room.

Before I could reach it, Kim came in with Joe behind her. “Since when do you knock?” I waved a dismissive hand and headed for the kitchen, where Harbor lounged against the counter suspiciously close to the brownies.

“Those are good. I didn’t know you could bake.” He gestured toward the tray, and I glanced down to see an empty place in my display.

“You already ate one?” I had only been gone a minute.

“He inhaled two,” said Judy holding up her fingers. “And, he tasted the dip.”

“Well, thanks, but save some for the guests.” I shook my head and laughed as Kim approached and swiped a brownie off the tray and bit into it.

“Hey, pretty boy.” She nudged Harbor and gave him a wink before she turned her attention to me. “This place looks festive, but are you sure a high roller theme was the best idea? I figured you’d had enough of the whole Viva Las Vegas theme since the bachelorette party.”

I tried not to think about that terrible night, and refused to let it steal my joy. “We all agreed we’d never speak of it again.”

Harbor put his arm around Kim. “One day you’re going to have to tell me this story. I want to know what the hell happened with you guys.”

I shook my head and gave Kim a warning glare. She leaned in and whispered something in his ear, and his eyes widened.

I shook my finger at Kim. “You better consider the repercussions of telling him. For one, Gabriel will kill you, then Joe will kill him, and I’ll be forced to kill Joe, which would leave me all alone with Harbor, and then I’ll die of embarrassment.” I turned and moved the brownies to a much safer area before pulling a tray of cookies from the oven.

“Oh, it can’t be that bad. Come on.” Harbor wasn’t going to give up.

“Ask your uncle. You can even tel

l him I said it’s okay to tell you.”